Twenty- One

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 Hey my fruitflies, i just wanted to take a second and thank you guys so much on the now 2k reads that I have on this book. Wow just to think that i posted this book a few weeks ago, and now it already has over 2k reads.Anyway i just wanted to say thank you again.

 Now lets get back to this amazing love story.




 -Scott's POV-

 Scott was woken up by  sunlight streaming into the small window that was high above the bed in the back of the tour bus. Yawing and stretching a tiny bit, he realized that he was trapped in his fiancée's embrace. Scott rolled over onto his side, carefully not to wake his sleeping beauty and unraveled the tenor's arm that was wrapped around his waist, also he carefully moved the brunette's head from his chest carefully placing it on the soft comfort of the pillow. He lyed there for a few seconds watching to see if he would wake up but to scott's relief, Mitch rubbed the side of his face into the pillow and sighed, a small smile stretched across his face.

 Carefully not to move the bed too much, scott took the blanket off of himself and  got out of the bed. Pushing himself up from the bed, he turned around and kissed Mitch gently on the top of his forehead. Smiling to himself he walked out of the room. He made his way down the narrow hallway towards the bathroom. About a good five minutes in the bathroom, he emerged from the bathroom and made his way to the front lounge.

 "Good morning, Scott." Kirstie smiled at him and then she turned her attention back to whatever Avi had on his laptop, it was probably an Anime show or the last Hobbit movie. But knowing Avi it was probably the last Hobbit movie. 

 "Good morning, Kit Kat." Scott said as he grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and sat across from Kevin at the small table directly across from where Avi and Kirstie were sitting.

 "What was with Mitch last night? I heard him screaming, is everything okay?" Kevin asked, Scott met his worried look.

 "Yeah everything is great, just a really bad nightmare that's all. He was probably just overwhelmed with the whole surprise and exhausted from the concert." Scott said as he undid the lid and took a sip before screwing the lid back on and setting it back onto the table.

 "Yeah, the crowd was insane last night. Definitely a good start to the tour." Avi said, without taking his eyes off of the screen.

 Kirsite, Scott and Kevin agreed and they sat in silence for a good ten minutes. All of a sudden Mitch's screams of pure terror echoed off of the walls of the narrow hallway and Scott jumped out of his seat. Quickly running down the hallway, his heart beating a hundred miles a minute he bursted into the room only to find the brunette thrashing and rolling around on the bed. Ignoring what Kevin and the others were saying, Scott jumped onto the bed and quickly went to go grab the frightened tenor. Once he got Mitch into a steel grip, he whispered into his ear telling him that it was okay, he was here and that it is just a dream.

 Mitch's screams died down and Scott felt his shirt getting wet. Scott held Mitch as he cried into his chest, his sobs shaking his body like an earthquake.

 "Its okay, mitch. I got you, you are okay." Scott murmured and the brunette's sobs seized to a small hiccup and then to small sniffles.

 Scott met the frightened gaze of his three best friends and then he turned his attention back to Mitch who was still curled up inside his lap.

 "We will leave you guys alone." Kirstie whispered and she shoved the guys out of the room.

 Once the door was closed Scott felt Mitch pulled away and he looked down at the sad, bloodshot, brown eyes that were staring up at him. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before the tenor broke the gaze to curl back up in Scott's arms.

 "The same dream?" He felt mitch nod his head which cause Scott to wrap his arms tighter around him.

 Rocking slightly back and forth Scott held mitch for another few minutes before he wriggled out of Scott's embrace.

 "Do you want to talk about the dream?" Scott asked as Mitch sat with his legs crossed next to him.

 He waited for Mitch to give him an answer and Scott was just about to say something, when Mitch opened his mouth and started to speak.  

 Scott sat there and listened in shock at the horror that Mitch dreamt of. Once Mitch was done, as if on instinct Scott wrapped an arm around the now crying tenor and they sat there holding each other as they both silently cried on each other's shoulders.

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