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~Every single word and every single look/ It makes me makes me fall in deeper~

<Two weeks Later>

 It has been two weeks since Mitch was released out of the hospital. He was slowly getting back to his regular routine, going out when scott was sleeping to get Starbucks and they were getting ready for their On My Way Home Tour.

-Mitch's POV-

 “Mitch stop making googly eyes at you boyfriend and pay attention please.” Avi said, in a serious tone.

 Mitch blinked and tore his eyes away from his boyfriend's face. The day after when Scott and him kissed, Scott asked him out. He felt like he was dreaming all over again and he was afraid that he was going to wake up from this amazing dream.

 “Okay we are going to start out by singing Problem and end with On My Way Home.” Kevin said, as he looked at the rough draft of our song list.

 “How about after Problem we do a mashup of Partition and the Evolution of Beyoncé?” Scott asked.

 Mitch looked around the circle and saw Avi rubbing his chin and Kevin nodded, “That actually sounds like a good idea.”

 Mitch listened to the songs that the rest of the circle threw out in the open air and their song list was almost complete. Lost in his thoughts, mitch didn't hear the question that Scott asked.

 “I'm sorry what?” Mitch blinked and looked at Scott.

 “Do you have an ideas of another song, we only need one more.”

 “Well…” Mitch fiddled with his thumbs and looked down, “Maybe we can do a mashup of Breaking Free and See Through.” He didn't hear the others say anything, looking up he saw everyone nodding and smiling.

 “That’s a great idea.” Scott wrapped his arm around his shoulder and Mitch rested his head in the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

 They sat there and arranged the new arrangement. Then they worked on the choreography for their concert and after three hours of that, they called it a night.

 Scott took Mitch's hand and they walked out of the studio, towards Scott's car. He held the passenger door opened for him and mitch slid into the car, scott closed the door behind him. He watched as scott walked around the front of the car and got into the driver's side. Scott started the engine and plugged in his phone to the chord that was hooked up to the stereo and pressed play.

 Their album PTX Vol. 3 played loudly from the speakers. Mitch sang along to his song See Through. Smiling as he sang loudly, he looked at scott and saw that he was singing his part as he kept his eyes on the road, occasionally glancing at Mitch and blushing. Scott was pulling into the driveway as Problem ended and he shut off the car. Mitch got out of the car and suddenly the ground started spinning.

 “Wow.” Mitch fell back into the seat and held his head, shutting his eyes.

 “Babe whats wrong?” Scott was at his side in an instant.

 “I'm extremely dizzy.” Mitch groaned.

 “Here, let me carry you.” He felt the blonde wrap his arms around him, picking him up bridal style.

  This brought back the memory of the night where Scott carried him into the house because mitch was wasted so he couldn’t walk.

 “I got you sweetheart.” Scott murmured as he kicked the door closed behind them and he made his way, carefully, down the hallway to Mitch's room.

 Scott placed mitch down in his bed and just as scott turned to walk back to his room, mitch caught his arm.

 “C-can you please stay?” Mitch asked, as he watched scott smile at him and he nodded.

 Scott carefully layed down under the covers with him and he felt him wrap his arm around his waist. Mitch sighed happily and fell asleep in his boyfriend's arms.

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