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~Every single word/ Every single look/ It makes me Makes me fall in deeper~


-Mitchs POV-

Mitch woke up with the sun shining directly in his face. He groaned and threw the blanket over his head. His mind went back to last night; the picture of scott and Alex, scott not coming home last night and he had this gut wrenching feeling that something happened between them.

 *Today is the day that you are going to tell scott how you really feel.* He threw the covers off of him and rolled out of bed.

He walked to the bathroom to freshen up, then he went to his room and changed. Throwing on a pair of skinny jeans and his wolf shirt, then he grabbed his keys and drove to Starbucks. He ordered his usual and got scott his usual as well and then he drove home. Singing along to Ariana Grandes Problem, mitch tapped along to the beat and rapped his part as he pulled into the driveway.

He noticed that Scott's car was in the driveway. His heart pounded in his chest as he cut the engine and got out of the car. With shaky hands, he shifted the coffee in his hands and opened the front door.

"Scott, you home?" Mitch called into the house as he kicked the door shut and set his keys down on the little stand by the door.

He walked into the kitchen and there was still no sign of Scott. He heard Scott's laugh flow down the hallway. Mitch smiled at the sound and he sat his coffee down on the granite counter top; then he crept down the hallway. He peeked in Scott's room and saw the baritone looking at his phone, he had his headphones in his ears, so that's why he didn't hear Mitch when he called out to him. Scott must have felt his gaze, because he took his ear buds out of his ears and looked at him, smiling.

"I got you coffee, I didn't know if you would be home so early." Mitch lifted Scott's cup and walked a little bit into the room. Scott took the cup from his hand, and took a sip.

"Thanks, Mitchie." Scott put the cup on his nightstand, smiled up and then went back to looking at his phone.

*Tell him , Mitch, you can do it.* Mitch's mind encouraged him.

He took a deep breath and sat on the edge of Scott's bed, causing his friend to scoot over a little bit to give him some room to sit down.  Taking another deep breath, he turned to look at scott's face. The brunette was so mesmorized by his features; his high cheek bones, his soft lips, and his sky blue eyes which makes mitch lose his train of thought when he gazes into them.

"S-scott." Mitch stuttered in a small voice.

"Mhmm?" Scott hummed as he looked up at the tenor with a questioning look.

Mitch gazed into his light blue eyes and he blinked once, then looked away before said, "About the other night, at Kirste's..."

Scott put his phone in his lap and sat up straighter, then Mitch felt his hand rub his shoulder, "It's okay Mitch, it was just a dare. No big deal."

Mitch stared at the baritone in shock, his heart was pounding so hard in his chest it actually hurt, "No big deal?! Scott it is a big deal because..." Then all of a sudden Scott's phone rings. Mitch's gaze left the blonde's and went to the screen only to see Alex's name pop up on the screen.

"Hold that thought." Scott held up a finger and answered his phone.

*Because I love you.* Mitch said in his mind. Mitch fiddled with his thumbs before shaking his head and getting up from the bed.

"Never mind, I'm going to go and feed Wyatt." He mumbled as he trudged out of Scott's room, leaving the blonde talking with his new best friend.

*How could he say it was no big deal?! Did he feel the spark too? Am I going insane or am I just dreaming?* Questions raced through his head like a racecar driving around the track at 100 mile per hour.

He gave their cat his breakfast and then he took his coffee from the countertop. Then he turned and walked into the livingroom. Plopping down on the couch and listened to the conversation that Scott and Alex were having. By the tone in Scott's voice, it was a playful conversation, kind of like how him and Scott used to play around. Key words: used to.

Mitch let out a sigh and finished his coffee. Then his phone went off and it was the others asking if him and Scott wanted to hang out. Mitch replied that he was coming, but he wasn't so sure about Scott. Speaking of the devil, Scott emerged from his room as Mitch was getting his shoes on.

"Hey Kirstie and the guys wanted to know if we wanted to hang out. You coming?" Mitch asked as he stood up straight, and he reached for his keys.

"No, Alex is taking me out to lunch. See you later." Scott left with a huge smile on his face.

Mitch stood there and stared his best friend and silently pleading him to come with him, but the baritone honked his horn and drove off down the road. He walked blankly to his car, got in and started the car. Shutting off the radio, he was in no mood into listening to music and he drove down the street towards Kirstie's house.

He felt like his other half was missing, he could picture scott next to him singing at the top of his lungs to a Beyoncé song and dancing in the passenger seat. Mitch could feel the gaze of his imaginary scott image and he could see the baritones sparkling blue eyes staring at him. His heart broke when he looked next to him and saw that the seat was empty.

When he looked back at the road, he was too late. He collided head on with another car, the sound of crunching metal and breaking glass filled his ears. Bashing his head against the air bag, and the back of his seat, he blacked out. But, before his eyes closed, he saw an image of Scott smiling at him.

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