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~But everytime you pass me by/ Anytime I catch your eyes/ secretly I hope you stay and you'll look my way~

-Mitch's POV-

 Mitch was cuddled up with Scott, who was lightly snoring in mitch's ear when Mitch's phone chimed and he looked at the text message.

 Uknown Number: Hey gorgeous, remember me?  I was thinking if we could meet up and catch up over some lunch? –Travis

 Mitch deleted the message right away because he didn't feel like talking to the guy who broke his heart three years ago. All of a sudden Scott's phone goes off and its Alex, he messaged scott saying that he would love to meet him at Subway for lunch. Then the number that texted mitch's phone, Travis, called him phone and after five times of the umber calling, Mitch felt Scott stir.

 “Who the hell is calling you?” Scott asked, rubbing his eyes and Mitch silenced his phone.

 “It no one, go back to sleep.” Scott yawned and nodded, wrapping his arms around the brunette's waist and scott rested his head on mitch's chest.

 Mitch's ohone went off again and he gently moved scott, carefully not to wake him up and walked into his bedroom. He sighed and picked up the phone.

 “What do you want travis?” Mitch hissed into the phone.

 “just wanted to see if you wanted to catch up with me over some lunch, oh and you can bring scott if you would like to.”

Mitch rolled his eyes and said, “No thank you.” And he hung up.

 Walking back into the living room, he heard the door bell go off and he saw that Scott got up to answer the door. He walked to scott's side when he heard a familiar voice sounding from the door and scott exclaimed, “What the fuck do you want?”

 “I was wondering if mitch was around.” Mitch got to Scott's side, and the blonde put a protective arm around his waist and mitch glared into Travis's eyes.

 “I told you no.” Mitch said, and he felt scott's eyes on him.

 “When did you talk to him?” Scott demanded, mitch looked up at scott.

 “Before because he wouldn't stop calling me.”

 “So you went behind my back and fucking answered the phone?!”

 “What it's not like i've said anything about you talking with Alex.”

 “Well i'm seeing that I came at the wrong time, so i'm just going to go.” Travis turned to walk away, and mitch stepped out of the baritone's arms and went to Travis, who had a slight smirk on his face.

 “I'm going to catch up with an old friend. So I will see you later. Oh yeah I hope your lunch with alex goes the way you plan.” Mitch snapped at Scott and he walked with Travis to his car. They drove away and the farther that they got away from the house, Mitch got this god awful feeling that something was going to happen.

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