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-Mitch's POV-

Mitch slowly opened his eyes and saw Kirstie, Avi and Kevin looking down at him. His vision stopped spinning and he can see clearly. He slowly sat up and a slight pain emerged on the right side of his head. Clutching his head he winced as he sat up straighter.

"Don't try and move so much. Man that was quite a fall you took. You were lucky that your friends here caught you before you damaged your head even more." One of the nurses moved his hand from his head and replaced it with a soft ice pack.

As he placed his hand on the ice pack, keeping it in place so it wouldn't fall off his eyes left the nurse's and turned back to Kirstie and the guys.

Tears filled his eyes, spilling down his cheeks as he looked around for his fiancée. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kirstie shake her head as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Is he..." Mitch managed to say but then his words got caught in his throat.

"The doctors, they tried everything they could. But..." Kevin's words were cut short by the sobs that violently took over his body and he put his head in his hands, turning away.

"They were too late." Avi's sad, broken, low voice cried.

"No. No! He can't die.. I was supposed to come back and make this all better." Mitch cried as he sprang to his feet, staggering a little bit before regaining his footing.

"Mitch, its too late hes gone." Mitch heard her in the distance, but she was really right behind him. But he was so focused on the room that was right in front of him, he lost all other focus that he had.

Walking into the room he stopped, frozen in his tracks. He stared at his fiancée who was lying in the hospital bed, pale white looking lifeless. As he slowly made his way to Scott's side, he saw that the blonde's chest wasn't rising and falling like it usually was when he was sleeping. Mitch fell into the chair that was beside the bed and with a shaky hand he grasped Scott's hand.

"This should be me in this bed, not you." Wow déjà vu much?

He paused as if the baritone was magically going to wake up and respond. But there was absolutely no sign of his budging. Tears fell silently down Mitch's face as he gave Scott's hand a gentle queeze with both his hands.

"Please come back to me. Your fans need you, Pentatonix needs you and more importantly, I need you. Please Scott, I forgive you no matter how many times you shattered my heart whenever i'm away from you, my heart aches for your touch and the sound of you voice. Because every single word, every single look it makes makes me fall in deeper and every single time that I wish you were mine, I close my eyes and safely just keep dreaming of you." Mitch cried harder as he choked out the last sentence. He brought Scott's hand to his lips and kissed it softly. Then he rose and caressed scott's face with the side of his hand as he placed a gentle kiss upon his fiancée's lips.

Pulling away he wiped his eyes and turned around. Slowly making his way out of the room, he saw a nurse walk pass him into the room. He stopped in the doorway, turned around and watched as the nurse unhooked all the wires from his chest and turned off the machines. Then she covered his face with the blanket and bowed her head. Mitch watched as she met his gaze and she looked at him with grief and sadness. As she left the room she stopped and gave Mitch a gentle hug before letting go and closing the door behind her.

Walking passed him the nurse paid a visit to his band mates and said her regards as she went down the hallway to her next patient.

Mitch just stood there peering through the figure in the glass but after a minute he blinked, turned around and walked down the hallway. Passing Kirstie, Kevin and Avi, Mitch continued making his way down the hallway towards the entrance.

Walking out of the entrance, he made his way to his car. Mitch go into his car, and suddenly he started to bawl. His head was resting up against the steering wheel as his arms were on either side of his head, resting on the steering wheel as well. After five minutes of bawling his eyes out, he started to drive home. Tears continued to spill from his blood shot eyes as he parked in the driveway.

Slowly getting out of his car, he walked up the front stoop and opened the front door. Closing it behind his, the sound bounced off the walls of the empty house. He heard a meow coming from down the hallway and he walked forward, stopping and then turned to face down the hallway. He saw Wyatt pawing at scott's door which was left opened a crack. He watched as Wyatt got the door opened and hairless cat squeezed himself between the door and the wall as he entered the room.

As Mitch made his way sowly down the hallway he could picture Scott walking passed him, into the bathroom. When he got to the bathroom, Mitch pushed opened the door and stood in the doorway. He watched as the image continued to play in his head like a movie playing in a movie theatre on the big display screen. He saw Scott take the blade from the medicine cabinet and slice his wrists open. Then he watched as Scott downed the pills and he could almost hear scott say "I love you mitchy, and I'm so sorry for all the things that i've done to you." Then the image started to fade as Scott fell to the ground and it disappeared. Blinking a few times, Mitch saw the pool of now dried blood on the tiled floor near the toilet and but the bathtub.

Mitch sighed and closed the door. Shutting out the image that will always haunt his mind and his dreams from now on. Now there is nothing he could live for, he lost his best friend/soulmate/lover and now Pentatonix lost a major piece to their group. Nothing will ever be the same again.

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