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~I realize, up in my head/ with nothing done and nothing said/There's no place to be/ To make me be to make me happy.~

<One Week Later>

-Mitch's POV-

 “Hey Queen, please wake up soon. We need our missing piece back.” Mitch heard a small, deep voice and another guy voice crying out to him. He tried moving something, his fingers, anything, but nothing budged.

 He felt the warmth of a hand as it squeezed his, but he couldn't squeeze back. Then he felt cold when the hand left his, then he felt his dreams pulling him back.

 Mitch woke up in his boyfriend's arms, which were wrapped securely and tightly around his waist. He smiled and snuggled closer to him. After a few minutes of laying there, Mitch had to pee really badly.

 He tried to get out of Scott's steel grip, but he couldn't. “Scottie.” He shoved scott's shoulder. Scott groaned and rubbed his head into Mitch's chest.

 “Scottland.” Mitch whispered, as a tried to wiggle out of his grip, which only got tighter. Scott chuckled, “I don't want to get up.”

 “Well you have to let me go or else you will be covered with something you do not want.” Mitch groaned as Scott moved, and mitch slid more under his body.

 “I don't want to let you go.” Scott whined.

 “Scott… you're… crushing my bladder. Now if you don't get up I will pee on you.” With that said, Scott groaned and got up.

 “Thank Jesus!!” Mitch sprang up and sprinted to the bathroom.

 He washed his hands and dried them on the little hand towel that hung from the towel rack, and he heard a small knock on the door.

 “Mitchie, I have to pee. Come on, you've been in there for ten minutes.” He heard Scott whine from the other side of the door.

 Mitch chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the closed door. “Maybe it's payback for not letting me get up.”

 He heard Scott groan and Scott was banging his head against the wall. “Mitch, come on.”

 Mitch stood there for another minute before opening the door and Scott pushed past him, shoved him out the door and slammed the door behind him.

 “Yeah, love you too!” Mitch hollered at the door, before shaking his head, chuckling and walking back down the hallway and plopped back down on the couch. He laid on his stomach, with his feet in the air and played flappy bird on his phone.

 He was too focused on his game, that he didn't hear the blonde come back into the room. Mitch felt feather like kisses trailing up the back of his neck, and he felt Scott put his hands on either side of him on the couch.

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