Twenty- Two

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-Mitch's POV-

Mitch pulled out of Scott's embrace and bowed his head as his gaze set on the white comforter. He felt a hand go under his chin which slowly lifted his head and his gaze landing right back on his fiancée's face.

"Mitch, whats wrong?" He stared into those perfect sparkling blue eyes, which shined with concern and worry.

Mitch shrugged his shoulders but his eyes never left Scott's, "I don't know, I guess i'm just scared." Mitch's voice cracked at the end as he fought back anther sob which threatened to emerge.

"Afraid of what? Of losing me? Mitch, babe, come on i'm not going anywhere. You will never loose me and once we say our vows you won't be able to get rid of me." Mitch then felt the warm, soft touch of his hand which cupped his cheek and he closed his eyes, resting his head into Scott's hand.

Then he felt the touch of soft lips upon his and after a few seconds, mitch pulled away and rested his head against the baritone's and a smile stretched across his face. It felt like forever since he had a smile on his face. After a few silent minutes, Mitch felt Scott's hand grasp his and he pulled him to his feet. Hand in hand Scott led Mitch to the front lounge where their worried friends and manager waited.

"Is everything okay?" Esther asked as she sat up straighter as they came down the narrow hallway.

Mitch watched as Scott plopped down on the couch and he made a high pitched squeal as the blonde pulled him down onto his lap. Once his strong arms wrapped around Mitch's torso, Mitch immediately calmed down and snuggled into Scott's chest.

Mitch nodded and gave everyone a smile, "Yes everything is better now."

Avi and the others gave them smiles and he felt Scott squeeze him tighter.

"You had us worried for a second. We thought that something bad happened to you. When I heard yu screaming, man, it sounded like someone was trying to hurt you." Kevin said, as he shook his head slightly.

Mitch flinched slightly as the dream flashed through his mind again, but then he quickly shoved that image to the back of his mind. Scott must have noticed his uncomfortableness because he nuzzled his nose into the crook of Mitch's neck and kissed it softly. Shivers ran down Mitch's spine which made the baritone chuckle, low under his breath as he pulled away from his neck.

The bus slowled down and turned into a parking lot. Esther, Mmitch and the others got up and Scott helped him gather his suitcase and other loose apparel. As the bus came to a stop, Kevin opened the door and they got off of the bus.

Scott was carrying his suit case in one hand and Mitch's suitcase in his other and Mitch carried his bag in the crease of his elbow and Scott's backpack on his back. All six of them made their way into the hotel's entrance and Esther went to go check them all in.

Mitch took a second to take a look around the grand lobby of the hotel and took in the the grand chandelier that hung above their head and the decorative paintings that lined the walls. Also there was a small, black leather love seat and two small identical black leather chairs on either side of the love seat, with a wooden, oak nightstand which held a small selection of brochures and a small decorative lamp. Don't even get Mitch started of the amazing, beautiful marble tiled floor that lined the ground of the lobby with a small, dark colored throw rub that ran from the automatic doors all the way down the halls and to the front desk.

He much have spaced out because he didn't ralize Esther was trying to get his attention.

Blinking once, he turned to meet their manager's face and said, "I'm sorry I must've spaced out."

She handed him the room key and said, "Here you will be rooming with Scott."

He took the card from her and handed it to Scott who took it and shoved it o=into his kackey pocket. As Esther truend around and started walking towards the elevators, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. "I swear if I hear any sound coming from your guys' room, you both are dead."

Mitch and Scott chuckled and he felt his face get hot as he blushed. He was almost positive that his face was literally bright red as they entered the elevator. Pressing the number of their floor, the metal doors slowly closed and the elevator crept upwards. The elevator dinged as it stopped on their floor and it slowly opened again.

Mitch followed Scott down the hallway as they made their way towards the rooms. Kevin, Avi and Kirstie shared one room which was across the hall from Esther's and their room was right next to Esther's room.

Scott slide the card into the slot and pulled it out, the light turned green signaling that the door was unlocked. Pushing the door opened, Mitch propped the door opened with his foot as Scott trudged into the room and let the bags drop from his hands. Once they crashed to the floor, Scott ran and jumped on the single queen bed which was propped up against the right wall (looking from the doorway). The television which sat ontop of the long wooden dresser was on the left wall and there was a small table with a chair resting up in the left corner of the room, next to the window.

Placing the bags up against the side of the dresser, Mitch shrugged off Scott's backpack putting it next to his bags. Then he ran and sprung onto the bed, bouncing a little bit and all of a sudden a pari of strong arms wrapped around his torso like chains wrapped around him making it impossible to move.

Mitch moved his head and kissed Scott's lips and pulled away smiling. He snuggled further into his fiancée's arms and sighed.

"Have I ever told you that you mean everything to me and that you are my whole world?" Scott murmured as he rubbed the small part of Mitch's back.

"no you haven't." Mitch smiled into scotts shirt.

"Well you are my whole word and I will stay by your side for forever, never letting you go." Mitch felt Scott give him a light squeeze.

"I will love you for forever and always. You are mine and I am yours for all eternity." Mitch said.

He felt the baritone kiss his head lightly and they laid there in each others arms in complete silence, enjoying each other's company and warm embrace.

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