Twenty- Three

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-Scott's POV-

Scott jumped slightly as his phone vibrated in his pocket. Carefully not to wake up his sleeping beauty, he fished his phone out of his jeans pocket. Looking at the caller ID he saw that Avi was calling him, he slid his finger over the screen and put the phone to his ear.

"Whats up bassman?" Scott said quietly as Mitch stirred his arms.

""The others and I were wondering if the king and his queen would grace us with their presence down at the pool." Scott chuckled and nodded.

"Sure we would be delighted to meet you guys at the pool." Scott then pulled the phone from his ear and hung up.

Then he looked down at the sleeping brunette and smiled. Scott leaned in and kissed Mitch on his lips. When he pulled away Mitch's eyes fluttered opened and the brunette smiled up at him. His brown eyes sparked with happiness as Mitch gazed up at him.

"I guess real life can be fairy tales." Scott chuckled softly and gave Mitch another peck on the lips.

"I guess so." Mitch smiled at him and sat up.

"Avi and the others are heading down to the pool, do you want to go?" Scott asked as he got up off of the bed and headed towards his suitcase.

"Sure, I would love to go for a swim." Scott heard Mitch get up from the bed.

He lifted his shirt over his head and then Scott unzipped his suitcase. As he was moving clothes around to find his bathing suit, Scott felt a pair of arms go around his stomach and he shivered as Mitch placed kisses down his back.

"Babe, you are supposed to be finding your bathing suit." Scott chuckled as he found his swimming trunks and closed his suit case.

"Yeah, I know but I thought we could do something a little bit more fun." Mitch said in a seductive, low voice.

"You drive me insane." Scott groaned as he turned around and faced Mitch, he was biting his bottom lip and giving Scott an innocent look.

Then he took Mitch's face in his hands and pulled him into a kiss. As their kiss heated up, they jumped apart as the sound of knocking came from their door.

"Hey, you guys coming or not?" Kirstie's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"Yeah we will be out in a minute." Scott hollered back and he then kissed mitch one lst time, before taking his bathing suit in his hand and walking towards the bathroom.

He closed the door behind him and flipped on the light. Scott quickly changed and then he exited the bathroom. When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Mitch standing in the middle of the room with his swimming trunks on with a shirt and two towels in his hands.

"Lets go. We don't want to keep them waiting." Mitch walked passed Scott, who was staring at him and with a smirk on his face and his hips shaking slightly Mitch walked out of the room. Shaking his head, Scott walked out of the room and closed the door.

-Mitch's POV-

Chuckling softly shaking his head and the elevator dinged, opening its door allowing Mitch and him to enter. He looked over at Scott who was on the far side of the elevator and he was biting his lip, looking as innocent as can be, as he glanced at the floor.

*What in the world is on his pretty mind.* Mitch thought to himself as the elevator came to a stop and opened its doors. Scott hurried out of the elevator and bolted down the hall towards the pool.

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