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<After tour>

-Mitch's POV-

Its one day before the big day, Mitch was running up and down the apartment, cleaning the already cleaned rooms. He was coming around the bend of the kitchen when all of a sudden he bumps into Scott.

"Whoa, speedy Gonzalez. Slow down. Babe you've cleaned every room in the house. You deserve some Scott cuddle time." Mitch let Scott put his arms around him and to his surprise, Scott picked him up bridal style and carried him into the living room.

Mitch giggled as Scott plopped down on the couch, and Mitch lied in between his legs and rested his head on his chest. Listening to Scott's breathing and heartbeat, he relaxed and sunk into his arms.

"This is nice" Mitch sighed and propped his chin on Scott's chest, and stared at his beautiful face.

His blue eyes found Mitch's, and Mitch's breath caught in his throat, and his heart skipped a beat.

"This is nice." Scott smiled at him and sighed.

"Can you believe that tomorrow we will be married?" Mitch asked, as he still tried to wrap his mind around the whole thing. All the dreams he has had, all the thoughts he thought, were finally coming true.

"Well you better believe it because its happening, babe." Scott leaned in a kissed Mitch passionately on the lips.

<Time Lapse>

Mitch was lying on his stomach, his head rested on Scotts arm as he traced little shapes on Scott's chest. He heard Scott sigh and he felt him lift his other arm up. Mitch looked from his fiancée's chest and saw Scott's arm over his eyes. There was a small smile across his face, which made Mitch grin at him.

"I swear this just keeps getting better and better each time." Scott mumbled and lifted his arm. Mitch's breath caught in his throat as his blue eyes looked straight into his.

"I guess all of that practice paid off." Mitch winked at him and a smirk came upn his face.

Scott chuckled, "I guess it did. So Mater, what do you want to do today?"

Mitch propped himself up on his elbow and shrugged, "What ever my king wants to do."

Before Scott could answer, his phone started to ring. Scott groaned as he reached over and picked his phone off of the nightstand.

"What's up KO?" Scott said as he answered his phone.

Mitch listened as Kevin's frantic voice sounded from the other side of the phone, which caused Mitch to tense up and sit up.

"Oh shit, don't worry I will be right over there." Scott shot up and started frantically grabbing his clothes and throwing them on.

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