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~Maybe if i give it time/ i know i'm a few behind may not be what you need/ but my heart can dream~


- Mitch's POV-

Mitch rolled over with a groan, his head pounded and his eyes hurt; but thank god that there was no sun out today or else it would have been worse. He looked over at his nightstand, grabbed his phone and he noticed that there was two pills next to a glass of water that were resting next to his phone.

He felt a small smile stretch across his face as he put his phone on the other side of him on the bed and he sat up. Reaching over he grabbed the pills, popped them into his mouth and chased them down with the water. mitch drank the rest of the water before he sat the glass back on his nightstand. He checked his phone and saw that he had three text messages from Scott.

His heart pounded and his breath caught in his throat as he opened the text messages. He scrolled up to the first message and he smiled.

Scottland :) : Hey Stephanie, i'm running for a coffee run see ya in a few ;)

Then he scrolled down slightly and his smile slowly faded from his face.

Scottland :) : Hey your coffee is on the counter but i won't be home because i'm going out with an old friend. You remember Alexander right? He just wanted to catch up on a few things. See you later. :)

As mitch read the last message, his chest tightened and he felt tears threaten to fall from his eyes. He blinked rapidly twice and he couldn't really see the screen to read the rest of the message because of how blurry his vision got. Wiping his eyes, he could make out the rest of the message.

Scottland :) : Turns out i'm going to hang with Alex, so i will be out for a while but we will hang out later on tonight okay?

Mitch didn't even bother of answering him back He locked his phone and he let it drop from his hands. It landed with a soft thump in his lap and he rested his head against the headboard.

"Yeah, what ever Scott. Hope you are having fun." Mitch mumbled to himself as he threw the comforter off of him. He heard his phone hit the ground as he flung it with the blanket. Mitch didn't even bother picking up his phone because then he would be tempted to answer scott back. Sighing softly, he pushing himself to his feet and slowly walked to the bathroom.

Shutting the door behind himself, he rested his hands on the edges of the sink and he took a deep breath. Mitch slowly lifted his head and stared at his reflection. He narrowed his eyes at himself and shook his head. Turning on the water he cupped his hands and caught some of the water. He lowered his head and splashed a couple of handfuls of water on his face. He turned off the water, grabbed the small hand towel from the rack hanging next to the mirror and dabbed his face.

Mitch put the rag back on the rack and opened the door. Before he walked out of the room, he turned to face himself in the mirror and slowly inhaled a breath.

As he exhaled, he shut the light out and left the bathroom. He padded down the hallway to the kitchen and saw his coffee on the counter right where Scott said it would be. He gripped styrofoam cup and he drank it as he made his way into the living room.

Plopping down on the couch, mitch grabbed the remote from the coffee table and he flipped through the channels. After about ten minutes of flipping through the channel, he shut the televsion off and went back to his room. He set his cup on his night stand and walked over to the other side of his bed and picked up his phone.

He clicked the home button and his lock screen glowed at him and it was a picture of him and Scott from backstage at one of our shows and then a message appeared, it was from Scott.

*It's probably telling him that me was on his way home.* Mitch thought to himself as he crawled over his bed and sat down in his spot of the bed.

He opened the message and his face fell again.

Scottland :) : Hey Alex is going to a have party at 5 o'clock, you are welcome to join us.

Mitch heitated for a moment before responding.

Mitch: No thanks i'm gonna hang here. Still have a pounding headache and i really don't feel like partying. Have fun and i guess i will see you tomorrow :)

Scott immediately responded.

Scottland :) : Do you need me to come home? I can be home in two minutes.

A smile tugged onto his face but he replied,

Mitch: No its okay, go have fun.

  Scottland :) : Okay talk to you later.

Mitch exited out of this messages then he opened Tumblr. He saw more pictures of him and Scott together, which only made him more upset so he closed out that app. He scrolled through Twitter, commented on a few of the fans tweets and then he closed the app. Before he locked his phone he got a text from Kirstie.

Kirstie: Hey there is a party tonight at Alex's house do you wanna come? Scott, kevin, avi and i are going.

Mtch sighed and he thought about his answer before he responded.

Mitch: No thank you i have a pounding headache and i don1t feel well. I'm gonna sit this party out and get some rest.

Kirstie instantly responded.

Kirsite: Okay hope you feel better :)

Mitch: Thank you.

Then once that message waas sent, he locked his phone and put it back on charge and rested it on his nightstand. Mitch chugged down the rest of his coffee, which was a little on the cold side. He put the cup back on the nightstand and ressted his head on one of his many pillows.

His head pounded even more than before because of how upset he was. Maybe he was just overreacting, maybe they are just going out as friends. No matter how many times he told himself that, his heart told him otherwise.

Mitch groaned and he covered his face with the comforter. Rolling on his side, he closed his eyes and he felt a tear slide down his cheek. Then he fell into a deep sleep.

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