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-Mitch's POV-

 Mitch jolted awake at the sound of his loud, obnoxious alarm blaring in his ear. He groaned loudly, rolled over and pressed snooze on his phone. Just as Mitch started falling back asleep, he felt someone gently shake him.

“Five more minutes, daddy.” Mitch groaned as he pulled the blanket over his head and moved away from Scott.

 “As temtping as that sounds, we have to get up or else we will be late to catch the bus.” Scott chuckled and Mitch felt instantly cold when the blonde ripped the blanket off of him.

 “Scotty.” Mitch whined as he curled up in a little ball, trying to get warm again.

 “Nope that’s it you have to get up.” Mitch felt the bed come out from under him and he instinctively put a death grip on his boyfriend's t-shirt and squeezed his eyes shut.

 “Scott, put me down.” Mitch chuckled, loosening his grip on Scott's shirt.

 “Okay.” Scott's arms vanished from under mitch and he fell onto the bed.

 Sitting up with his hand over his heart to keep it from beating out of his chest, Mitch glared at the laughing baritone. He shook his head, got up and playfully shoved scott's shoulder.

 Scott walked out of the room to retrieve his suitcase and Mitch got dressed in sweat pants and a sweater. Grabbing his suitcase that was at the end of his bed, on the floor, he walked down the hallway and saw the blonde scrolling through his phone. He watched as Scott locked his phone, shoved it in his pocket and he helped Mitch putting his suitcase out, into the car.

 Quickly running to Starbucks for their morning coffee, Mitch looked at his phone for the time and it was 6:30 AM. Sighing softly he put his phone on his lap and sneaked a glance at Scott. He felt a smile creep onto his face as the early morning sun shined on the side of his face, making his eyes shine like two shiny blue crystals.

 Scott must have felt Mitch looking at him because he peeked out of the corner of his eye and smiled.

 “What are you staring at, Mitchie?” Scott asked playfully as he rounded a corner and turned onto another street.

 “Just can't believe that I have the greatest, most amazing guy in my life.”

 He watched a small smile tugged on the blonde's face. Then Scott took one hand off of the wheel and laced their fingers together. Resting their hands on the middle console, scott turned into the parking lot of the studio and they saw Avi and Kevin struggling as they attempted to put the luggage into the bus.

 Cutting the engine, Scott and Mitch jumped out of the car and retrieved their luggage from the back of Scott's trunk.

 “You missed some.” Mitch chuckled as they neared avi and Kevin.

 Avi looked up and gave Mitch his famous super frown. Mitch chuckled and Scott and him helped Kevin and Avi with the rest of the luggage, then they piled onto the bus.

<An Hour and A Half Later>

 Mitch curled up on the small couch and looked out the window, watching as they passed various kinds of cars and trucks on the highway. He felt the cushions shift as Scott sat next to him.

 “Babe, whats on that pretty little mind of yours?” Mitch felt scott caress the side of his cheek and he look at the blonde, giving him small smile before looking back out the window.

 “Just things that i've been noticing here and there.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw scott look at him confused, “What do you mean? What are you noticing.”

 Mitch  let out a soft sigh and turned to face the baritone's worried expression, “ I mean the phone calls everyday, the sneaking around and talking behind my back. I mean like what is the deal? Are you..”

“Am I what…. Cheating?! Mitch no I would never cheat on you. Why the hell would you think that?” Scott sat up straighter and his eyes narrowed.

 Mitch was a little taken back by Scott's reaction, he looked down at the cushion, bit his lip and fiddled with his fingers, “I-it crossed my mind a few times, but I shrugged it off.” He said in a small voice.

 Then a hand went under his chin which forced him to look up into his icy blue eyes.

“Mitch, I would never cheat on you. You are my world, my life, my soulmate and i'm ashamed with myself for not seeing it sooner. Mitch, you are my missing puzzle piece and you complete me. I can't bear the thought of cheating on such an amzing person.” Mitch blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes.

 “I'm sorry for assuming that you were cheating on me.” He snuggled into his boyfriend's warm arms. Scott held him for what felt like forever.

 After a few silent moments, Kirstie came walking into the front lounge. She took a seat at the table which was across from the small couch and started scrolling through her phone. Mitch felt his eyes droop and he let them close.

 What felt like hours went by and he heard whispering voices, it sounded like Avi, Kevin, Scott and Kirstie.

 “How long has he been out?” He heard avi's low voice ask.

 “About twenty minutes.” Wow only twenty minutes it felt like two hours.

 Mitch felt scott shift under him and he was now resting inbetween Scott's legs and his head rested on his chest.

 “So do you have it?” Mitch felt his heart start to pound in his chest. He wondered what Kevin meant by “it”.

 “Yeah its in my bag safe and sound.” Scott what are you hiding in you bag?

 “Do you want to finish arranging that new song or do you want to wait until we get to the arena?” Wait, hold up, new song? Mommy isn't ready to learn a new song.

 “We coud do it now.” He felt scott's chest rumble as he started humming.

 Then mitch heard the familiar chord progression, but couldn't place the song. He tried to listen closely to the beat that kevin was doing but, even that wasn't enough.

 Then he felt his dreams pulling him back and he tried to fight, to stay awake but, unfortunately sleep won this battle.

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