Chapter 26

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Baji was sitting in an armchair near the couch where you were laying on your side, curved in a ball, looking in front of you with a blank gaze. Baji tried to look at your injuries, but when he tried to touch you, you whimpered and pushed yourself back more into the couch. He remembered that Chifuyu told him about a man named Ian, so without saying anything, he stood up and left the apartment in search for him.

You shut your eyes and the teardrops rolled down your cheeks landing on the couch, leaving a wet spot on it.

What should you do now? Noa made you quit your job and now you don't have any income, and despite your ex boss being a nice and helpful person, you doubted she wanted to take you back after seeing Noa and how you were barely able to hold back the sobs which wanted to escape you while he talked to her. Noa's whole being screamed trouble, and you didn't blame her if she didn't want to get any of that in her life.

You heard steps approaching and suddenly two shaky legs limped their way in your view. You looked up at Ian and your lower lip trembled when he looked down at you with the same concern he had in his eyes when he first saw you during your panic attack.

You shut your eyes tightly and pushed your face in one of the pillows as a loud sob teared its way through your throat. You felt as the couch sank in a little as Ian sat down next to you and his hand landed on your shoulder, slowly caressing it.

"Can you get a bowl of warm water and a towel, please? Ian asked Baji and he nodded, making his way to the kitchen.

When he returned he crouched down in front of you and put the bowl on the floor next to him.

"Y/N, let us take a look at your injuries." Baji said in a low voice, the tone of it reminded you to your father's when he wanted to comfort you.

You took in a deep shaky breath, trying to stop crying and you slowly turned your head, laying it on the pillow, facing Baji. Ian tucked your hair away from your face, and when he saw your injuries, his mind tried to find a reason why would a man do this to a woman.

Baji slowly dipped the towel in the warm water and he gently cleaned the wound on your lip, then on your eyebrow. When they were clear he saw that they weren't so deep, so he simply put a band-aid on the one on your eyebrow.

"Do you have any more injuries?" he asked.

Your side hurt, but you could still move around without feeling any sharp pain, so you shook your head no and closed your eyes.

Ian and Baji looked at each other and they both stood up, to let you rest. Baji walked in Chifuyu's bedroom and grabbed a blanket, gently laying it over you, then he went to the kitchen where Ian already sat down at one of the tables.

"Don't worry, Chifuyu is gonna make sure that bastard can't come near her ever again." Baji said, pulling out his phone, dialing Mikey.

"She never told me about him." Ian said, looking towards the couch. "He likes her doesn't he?"

Baji nodded.

"Never seen him look at someone the way he looks at her before." he said with a small smile, which Ian returned.

"He's good for her."


Chifuyu walked out of the garage with heavy steps, and he sat in his car with a tired sigh. It took him and Kazutora four long hours to get information out of Noa, but now he got everything he wanted and he could finally go home to see you.

He needs to ask Baji another favor too, but then he hopes this asshole never comes back when Mikey is done with him and he's in prison. Kazutora called a few of his friends to watch Noa for the night and he told Chifuyu he will wait for them alone, and he can go home. Chifuyu didn't complain, he jumped at the first opportunity which allowed him to go to you. He didn't know this will take so much time, but now he was driving as fast as he could so he can be next to you.

The elevator was still under renovation, so he had to climb up to the sixth floor, but the will to see you made his tired legs flying up the stairs with ease, taking two steps at a time.

He knocked on his door impatiently but still making sure to keep quiet, in case you were sleeping. Baji opened the door and put his forefinger in front of his mouth, confirming Chifuyu's suspicion.

Chifuyu nodded and walked past Baji, his silent steps came to a halt when he saw you sleeping peacefully on his couch with a blanket covering you fully. He frowned a little at that, he remembered telling you to use his bed if you wanted to sleep, but here you were, curved to a small ball on his couch.

"Ian left about an hour ago. He told me she never talked about her ex before." Baji informed him in a hushed tone, while the two of them watched you.

"It's okay. I know everything I need about him now." Chifuyu said, and he finally turned to Baji, motioning with his head towards the kitchen.

The two men sat down at the table and Chifuyu put two glasses on it, pouring whiskey in both of them.

"You remember when we were at Hina's birthday, Y/N told us she is a tattoo artist?"

Baji nodded and took a sip of his drink.

"That's how they met. He has a tattoo salon and she worked there. One day she disappeared, I guess that's when she moved here and that's when she started working in the flower shop." Chifuyu said, gulping down his scotch in one go, then he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

"So what now? We give him to Mikey, his friends and family are gonna start looking for him." Baji pointed out.

Chifuyu shook his head, pouring himself another drink.

"Apparently he has a very shitty relationship with his parents because of his violent behavior, and as for his friends and employees... I need you to do me another favor."

"What? You're gonna give them to Mikey too?" Baji asked jokingly.

Chifuyu smirked and looked down at his drink moving the glass in circles, watching as the alcohol danced in it back and forth.

"I know you already told your partner to make a fake criminal record and a court order so we can send him in jail after Mikey is done with him. But I also want him to make a sales contract too."

Baji furrowed his brows.

"About what?"

Chifuyu looked up at Baji with a grin.

"You told me there were times the tax office was in your ass because they wanted to know where did you get your houses, your garage and motorcycle?"

Baji narrowed his eyes, then a smirk grew on his face when he realized what Chifuyu meant. He raised his drink for his friend, who clinked his glass against his.

"To our new tattoo salon." he said before they emptied their glasses.

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