Chapter 10

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About an hour later Chifuyu knocked on your door again, but there wasn't any response this time either. He sighed and walked to Ian's door and knocked.

A few seconds later the door opened and Ian greeted him with a smile.

"Hello Chifuyu."

"Hey, Ian. Do you know where Y/N is?"

The older man furrowed his brows.

"She's not home?"

Chifuyu shook his head as an answer.

Ian knew your work schelude, you are working one day then you have a day off. And he knew you are free today. He figured maybe you didn't open the door for Chifuyu when he knocked, he knew you did that often.

"Maybe she's working, or went to the market." Ian said, trying to cover for you.

Chifuyu nodded slowly, then sighed.

"I just made her lunch, trying to thank her for repairing my microwave..."

Ian's smile widened.

"That's very nice of you."

Chifuyu gave him a smile which looked kind of sad to Ian.

"So, do you like ramen?"

Ian chuckled.

"Who doesn't?"

Chifuyu joined in his laughter and motioned with his head towards his apartment, then both men walked in it.


A few days have passed and there still wasn't any sign of you, and for some reason it annoyed Chifuyu. Why did he felt so disappointed for not seeing a woman he just met? And why did he felt so disappointed when there was a knock on his door and instead of you, Nina was there when he opened it?

He was thinking about that when he was watching Madagascar with Amaya sitting on his left side and Nina on his right.

He was laughing at the movie with Amaya, but when he looked at Nina, he saw that she was on her phone again making Chifuyu to roll his eyes.

After a few minutes his phone rang and he went to the other room to answer it.

Amaya watched as Chifuyu walked out, then she turned her head towards Nina. Amaya didn't hate her, but she barely payed any attention to Chifuyu or her, and she thought it was very rude. She wished you could be here with them instead of her. She had a great time when you were with her and her family and she wished she could see you again.

Chifuyu walked back into the room with a sigh.

"Hey Nina, could you watch Amaya for about an hour?"

Nina stopped typing and furrowed her brows at Chifuyu.


"I have to go to Baji, he needs my help with something, but I'll be back in an hour."

Nina let out a frustrated sigh. It wasn't enough that she and Chifuyu couldn't have sex because Amaya was here, now Chifuyu had to leave, and she has to babysit Amaya alone.

She let out a puff of air and went back to typing.

"Okay." she shrugged.

"Cool, thanks." Chifuyu said as Amaya went to the other room.

"Okay, if Amaya gets hungry there's stuff in the fridge to make sandwiches."

"Mhm." Nina nodded, her eyes still on her phone.

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