Chapter 32

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When Chifuyu turned back to you, and saw the worried look in your eyes which you tried to hide behind a confused smile, he grinned. As you reached him, he wrapped one of his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his body, while he was holding the dark metal-blue colored helmet in his other hand.

He looked in your eyes and slowly leaned down with a confident smirk on his face which grew bigger as he saw your eyes soften and they drop down to look at his lips, which were getting closer to yours. He felt as you moved one of your hands and gently grip his bicep on the arm which was around you.

As your heart started to beat faster because of his closeness, he moved his head sidesways, just as his lips were about to meet yours and he leaned into your neck, kissing your warm skin there, making your knees go weak at his innocently erotic touch.

Your smile grew bigger when you felt him inhale deeply and a satisfied humming sound escaped him while his breath tickled the spot on your skin where he just kissed you, the warmth of it slowly embracing your delicate neck.

"Lovely." he said in a low voice, and he pulled away, to look down at you with an adoring look on his face.

You returned his look, admiring his face, with that small michevious smile and playful glint in his eyes, which appeared when he noticed how you looked at him.

Your smile widened and you looked down at his chest, using your other hand to smooth it over his muscles feeling them harden in excitement under your palm. You were glad he hadn't zipped his jacket up yet.

"I can give you my shower gel if you like it this much." you said playfully, and you looked up at him shyly.

Chifuyu bit his lower lip and he looked you up and down, well, his eyes could only travel as low as your chest was, because he made sure with his arm which was around you, that the rest of your body was pressed against his.

"Or next time I can join you while you're having a nice warm bath, hmm sweetheart?"

Despite the nickname, for you it sounded like he was the one who purred, and your cheeks grew hot when you imagined that scenario in your head.

When your eyes dropped on his lips again, you wondered how it was possible that you felt this calm and excited at the same time in a man's arms.

Whenever you were this close to a man, you always felt quite nervous, you always complicated things in your head, wondering if you were good enough, not just in general, but at flirting, at giving playful looks, or trying to look seductive.

But with Chifuyu everything was so simple, you felt that he wanted you, the way he looked at you, the words he spoke, the touches he was giving you, everything whispered safety to you.

He wanted you and not just your body, like Noa, who always acted like he cared for you, just so he can charm his way back to your arms, being posessive of your weakness for him.

Chifuyu witnessed one of your panic attacks, and held you, helped you, cared for you, before, during and after it. He wanted you as a whole not just part of you like Noa did.

And you loved him for it.

You slowly got on your tiptoes, and Chifuyu leaned down, so you could reach him easier. His heartbeat quickened at your advences and his senses focused only on you, the outside world became a blur around him, and you were the only thing he coud feel with every fibre of his being.

When the lips he spent so many times dreaming of touched his again, he made sure it wasn't just for a second, like in his apartment about half an hour ago. He used the strap of the helmet to slip it from his hand to his forearm, and he cupped your face gently, and deepened the kiss by opening his mouth and letting your lower lip slip between his. He gently licked it and when you took a sharp intake of breath at the action he smiled and softly sank his teeth in it, nibbling on it lightly.

You shuddered in his arms and a quiet whimper left your mouth at his action. You felt the electricity rush through you that his touch ignited deep within you, and you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer and kiss him back with force before you leaned away to take in a deep breath.

Chifuyu grinned, surprised and satisfied at your sudden show of affection, and he leaned his forehead against yours, with a teasing smile on his face.

"I see you like the idea?" he asked, as he too inhaled deeply, and he slipped his hand from your face, to wrap it around you too.

You couln't help but laugh softly, closing your eyes and wondering how he was able to make you act this bold.

"Maybe." you whispered and a deep, hummimg rumble left Chifuyu's chest, which you guessed was his amused chuckle at your answer.

"Well, there's only one way to find out."

When you opened your eyes again, he winked and you laughed again, being sure that the blush turned a few shades darker on your cheeks.

Chifuyu sighed dreamily when you laughed again, his chest swelling with pride and happiness at your bright mood. He will always make sure to see that smile on your face which was like an adrenalin-kick to his ego and a soothing lullaby to his heart.

He grinned suddenly and picked you up by your waist, turning you around once, enjoying how your hold on him tightened and a surprised, joyful and loud mix of a scream and a laughter reached his ears.

He put you down with a chuckle next to his motorcycle, and held the helmet up for you.

You stepped back a little as you looked down at it with unceartanity, as your hands slipped from his shoulders.

"I've never been on a motorcycle before." you said to Chifuyu a little nervously, as you took it from him.

"Don't worry, baby, I won't let you fall." Chifuyu said, and he reached in the back of his car again, to pull out another helmet, which was black. "Hina said that too, and now she loves it." he grinned, making you smile.

After you pulled the helmet on your head, Chifuyu helped you fasten it, then he looked at you with a smirk.


You slapped his arm playfully and he laughed.

"Okay. Just don't be tense. I won't go fast, and all you have to do is to lean in the turns with me, okay?" he asked as he pushed your visor down.

You shook your head no, and he pouted.

"My smart girl." he patted your head through the helmet and he laughed again when you aimed to slap his arm again, but he stepped away in time.

He pulled on his helmet too, and you admired how sexy he was with this whole 'tall, dark muscular badboy with motorcycle' look.

Chifuyu leaned close to you and gently tapped your helmets together, and when he saw your eyes lit up, he winked and sat on the bike.

He turned his head and waited for you to get on too, then he leaned down and showed you where to put your feet. After that he pulled out a pair of black leather gloves from the pocket of his jacket, and pulled them on, then he started up the motorcycle.

Your hands were on his shoulders, and you squeezed them a little when the metal beast under you came alive with a loud roar.

But for some reason Chifuyu didn't leave the spot you were standing yet, and you looked around to check the traffic. When no one was on the street, you frowned in confusion, then you saw as he reached back to tap your hand which was still on his shoulder.

After he tapped it, he pointed upwards with his index finger, while he curled the others in a fist and he shook his hand, like he was scolding you.

When you didn't move Chifuyu chuckled and grabbed both of your hands, and pulled them down to circle them around his torso.

'Oh.' you thought and felt as your cheeks heat up again, this time from embarassment.

Chifuyu grinned, feeling your chest and stomach press against his back and he made the motorcycle roar again just for the sake of it, as he looked around for traffic.

His smirk widened when he felt you squeeze him again because of the noise, and your hold didn't lose its intensity as he rolled on the road.

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