Chapter 30

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Chifuyu carried you all the way from your apartment to his, and gently put you down on the couch. He caressed your cheek with an affectionate smile then went to his bedroom to bring you a soft plush blanket.

He asked you what you wanted to eat, and while he ordered, you decided which movie you wanted to watch. He set up the DVD player, and after he was done he sat down next to you, and put his hand behind you on the back of the couch. You turned your head and looked shyly at him, lifting up the blanket. Chifuyu smiled and moved closer to you, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you close, while he covered himself with the blanket too.

He kissed your temple softly and you put your head on his shoulder, while you placed your hand on his chest, above his heart.

About half an hour into the movie and Chifuyu could feel that his shirt was getting damp. He turned his head to look down at you, and saw that you wiped your face with your hand, but continued to watch the movie.

"I missed you too." he whispered while he gently nuzzled your hair with his nose.

You looked up at him and smiled.

"Sorry I'm such crybaby." you said feeling a little embarrassed and you wiped your eyes again.

"No need to cry anymore." Chifuyu responded gently and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. "Not when I'm here."

He saw as your eyes travelled from his to study the rest of his face, and finally your gaze landed on his lips. He watched as you licked yours before you let out a nervous sigh.

"You know... If I was a little bolder... I would kiss you right now." you said and finally looked up in his eyes to see his reaction.

His breath hitched and he quickly covered it with clearing his throat, and he licked his lips too, the you saw a little smirk was forming at the corner of his mouth.

"You know... If I were you... I would totally kiss me right now." he said smootly and gave you a playful look.

You laughed at his silly expression, but a light blush quickly covered your cheeks, hearing his words. The thought that you could kiss him, finally kiss him, not just daydream about it was terrifying and exciting at the same time.

Chifuyu smiled and waited for your decision. He wanted so badly to feel your lips on his, to feel your hands sneak around his neck to pull him closer to you. He wanted to wrap his arms around you, to hug you impossibly close to him, to feel your body against his, and show you how much he cared about you.

You bit your lip nervously as you studied his lips again, but your smile was still present on your face. You shook your head with a silly laugh and turned back to the movie, hearing as Chifuyu let out a sad sigh on purpose.

You giggled again and put your head on his shoulder, feeling the wet spot your tears caused on his shirt.

You realized again, that he managed to turn your tears into laughs again, and you looked at him again.

Your heart started to beat faster when you realized that indeed you're finally gonna do this, and you got on your knees next to him nervously.

"Okay." you said trying to sound confident, but your legs and arms were shaking shigtly.

"Okay?" Chifuyu asked surprised as he watched you with wide eyes.

You put your hands on his shoulder and swung your leg over him to sat on his thighs.

Chifuyu didn't want to say or do anything what might scare you, but you sitting in his lap made him really excited and he felt like his heart is gonna jump out from his chest between the two of you. Not that he minded that, you already stole it, so you might as well keep it.

It was well known that whenever he was feeling this excited he couldn't stay still, so he grabbed the blanket on both of his sides and squeezed so forcefully that his knuckles turned white. He didn't want to scare you by touching you on places you didn't want him to, and he didn't trust himself that once your lips touch his, his hands weren't gonna slip from your waist to somewhere inappropriate.

It was well known that whenever he was feeling this excited he couldn't keep his mouth shut either, but sadly, it was something he couldn't control.

"This movie looks even better from this view." he said, eyes never leaving yours.

You smiled, biting your lip, eyes sparkling from joy.

"You're such an idiot."

Chifuyu grinned widely.

"You love it."

He felt as your hands slowly traveled up from his shoulders to his neck, and the way your fingers tickled his skin made him shiver in delight.

You slowly leaned closer to him, eyes dropping to his full and oh so inviting lips.

"I do." you whispered in response and tilted his head a little more.

As your face got closer to his, you got slower and slower, wanting your first kiss to be perfect.

"Why are you slowing down?" Chifuyu asked cheekily, when there were only a few inches between you.

"I'm trying to concentrate." you whispered back, closing your eyes.

"You're doing great, baby."

"Thank you, now shut up." you smiled slightly.

Chifuyu waited for the very last moment to close his eyes, and braced himself to burn this moment in his memory, so he can remember back to it for the rest of his life.

The minute your lips brushed against his, the doorbell rang, making both of you jump slightly.

"This must be the food." you said quietly, while you pushed your forehead to Chifuyu's.

"Hope so, or else I'm gonna commit murder." Chifuyu growled and you chuckled when he pushed his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply.

He put his hands on your waist, helping you off from his lap, and with heavy heart he stood up and answered the door.

After he payed the delivery guy, he kicked his door shut, and walked to the kitchen, putting the two bags on the table, while you watched him.

"So, which one do you want for dinner?" Chifuyu asked and you looked at him in confusion.

Maybe he wanted to switch foods?

"You can have this." he said, opening the box which contined your order. "Or you can have this." he said suggestively, pointing at himself with a sexy look.

You laughed loudly then tilted your head, drawing small circles on the back of the couch with your fingers, pretending you were thinking.

"Very tempting offer, but I think, I'm gonna go with the spaghetti."

Chifuyu narrowed his eyes.

"You sure?"

You nodded.

He sighed, defeated, making you chuckle.

"Okay." he said sadly and grabbed two froks, then walked to the couch and sat down next to you.

"I'm gonna make it up to you, I promise." you said shyly, and he grinned, being satisfied that you felt good enough around him, to flirt with him like this.

"I'm sure it's gonna worth the wait, babe." he said, kissing your cheek, then you both started eating while continued watching the movie.

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