Chapter 36

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Chifuyu melted into the kiss, but when his tongue caressed your lip and he felt the scar on it, he pulled away.

He looked at it, and smoothed his thumb across the small bruise which Noa caused a few days ago.

Then he looked at your eyebrow where the cut was a little bigger but it didn't need a band-aid anymore. He slowly pulled down your glasses, then caressed that spot too with his finger, then kissed it softly.

Lastly, he looked at your neck, tilting your head back a little, to see your bruises there. They were no longer dark purple and blue, but faint green and yellow.

You saw as Chifuyu's lips curled down in displeasure and sorrow, but he slowly leaned close and left butterfly kisses all over your neck and throat.

Your heart flattered in your chest, not just because his sweet action made you fall for him even more, but because it made your blood boil in a good way.

You curled your fingers in his hair and gently pulled on his locks, and Chifuyu looked up at your lips, kissing them instantly, pulling your body even closer to his.

You knew you shouldn't let things happen this fast, but it felt too good being with him, and two people who care about each other can share a few innocent kisses right?

Except these type of kisses weren't that innocent, even if his tongue was just gently caressing yours and his hands only massaged your waist and hips. Even if you only pulled on his hair lightly, and his moans were quiet, even if you only started rocking yourself in his lap slowly.

Chifuyu pulled away when he felt that, taking in a deep breath and touching his forehead against yours, eyes still closed.

"Princess..." he panted.

"I know." you whispered back and kissed him again, harder.

Chifuyu fall back against the back of the couch, pulling you with him and he kissed you back with equal passion. Feeling you being this confident and needy made him happy and it turned him on like nothing else, but he soon slowed the kiss down, and pulled away again, smiling up at you, breathing deeply.

You bit the inside of your cheek, and felt as your face flushed when you returned his gaze, and you both grinned at how giddy both of you felt.

"Don't look at me like that, it's your fault!" you slapped his shoulder lightly.

Chifuyu's eyes widened along with his smile.

"What is my fault?!"

"You shouldn't kiss me like that!"

"Like what?!"

"Like... that!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, but if I remember correctly, I was the one who pulled away, and you were the one who kissed me like that!"

Your eyes roamed his face frustrated, because you knew he was right.

"It's still your fault!"

"Why exactly?! It's not my fault, that you can't resist my charm!"

You laughed loudly, throwing your head back and Chifuyu smiled widely, eyes roaming your body and hands caressing your back and hips.

"See?! You're doing it again!" you looked back at him, leaning close to his face, and your hold on his locks tightened again, making Chifuyu smirk playfully.

"Doing what sweetheart?" he leaned closer, nuzzling your nose.

"Charming me."

A deep chuckle left Chifuyu's throat.

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