Part 10

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Dreams pov:
Not long after eating, George thanked me for the food and returned to his room. I sat at the island still, feeling a bit dazed.
'I don't know how long I can keep pretending I only like George as a friend for' I sighed.

"Ewww mopey Dream, I don't want to deal with that." Sapnap joked, a playful smile on his face.
"Ouch." I smiled back at him as he entered the kitchen, he placed three plates in the sink, "I'm guessing your guys' streams are over?" I concluded.
"Yeah. It was great blah blah all that jazz. Now tell me what's up with you." He turned to face me, placing his elbows on the counter.

I completely trust Sapnap, we've been best friends for... well a long time. He won't care who I like right? He would probably be fine with it, he's pretty chill with things like that, well he seems like he would be.
"I think I might be bi" I confessed.
"Oh mood. Now tell me what's new." He rolled his eyes holding back his smile as best he could.
I almost choked on air, "dude what?!" I was shocked, who just came out to who there?? "Did you just come out to me or?"
"I mean, was that not what we were doing there? You come out to me, I come out to you?" He asked, clearly having fun with the current situation.
"I'm serious sap."
"So am I. Dead serious." He shrugged.
"So your bi?" I asked.
"Was that not clear?" He snickered.
"Do you have a boyfriend??" I questioned eagerly.
Sapnap lifted his index and middle finger with a wide proud looking grin on his face, "two of em."
"Wow." Dream awed, "wait who??!" I immediately snapped out of it, confused, I  slammed my hands on the counter.
"Karl and Quackity." He revealed, his eyes filled with pure adoration and contentment, something you don't see often from Sapnap.

"Dude you look so happy and all you did was say their names." I mocked.
"Oh shut up." He laughed, his cheeks tinted red.
"How long?" I asked.
"Karl a year, Quackity 9 months" he gleamed.
"Dude I can't believe I'm only hearing about this now!" I whined.
"Sorry man, I haven't told anyone but George."
"You told George before me?? I'm jealous." I joked.

"So why do you think your bi?" The brunette asked.
"I have like ahugecrushongeorgeandidontknowwhatdodo." I mumbled quietly.
"I like George." I repeated quietly.
"Ohhhhhhh. Wait did you only just realise? Or are you just finding this out now?"
"What? No ive known for like... a while now. What are you talking about?"
"Oh, I've known you liked him for ages. You aren't very discrete." He replied blankly.

I blinked in confusion and disbelief for a moment before my brain caught up with itself and i covered my face with my hands, making untranslatable mumbling sounds.

"Oh stop whining idiot, I think most people know. Do you not go on social media or something? Don't lie, I've seen your weird ass tweets." He bleated, "plus I took that photo of you two cuddling. Adorable. But I've also heard you leaving his room multiple times since then which leads me to believe it's a regular occurrence, I assumed you were a thing already." He smirked.

I glared at him, "oh yeah. I was supposed to have a word with you about that. Delete it."
"You sure you don't want itttt~?" He teased.
"Delete. It." I ignored.
"Psh no. Why don't you just confess your feelings for him? I'm pretty sure he likes you too you know, and what's the worst that can happen?"
"Sapnap we literally live in the same house. It's going to make things so awkward if he doesn't feel the same." I reminded.
"Haha, oh yeah" he chuckled, he was having so much fun with this.
"Your really enjoying my suffering aren't you?"
"Yup. But seriously, just tell him." He ordered before leaving again, "byyeeeeee" he called behind him as he made his way up the stairs.

I was once again left with my own thoughts, left to ponder on what the brunette had said to me.
'What's the worst that can happen?' Sapnaps words repeated in my brain.
'So many things.' I told myself, 'so so many things. But I guess rejection is the only probable thing I can think of that can go wrong?' I thought, I looked up the stairs, 'maybe... hmmmmmm maybe I should just go for it?'

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