Part 26

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On wattpad Cus passing mocks is overrated ;) xoxo

Yo yo yo 12k guys wassuuuupppp :)))

Third person pov:

The two sat in a comfortable silence as they finished eating the food George brought for them.
He took both their plates and placed them on the bedside table, before turning back to Dream.
"Do you want to talk about it?" The brunette asked, "the thing about your mom?"

"Yeah... actually I think I should..." he stated, "she gave me a call and told me that Patches got hit by a car."

"Oh no! Dream, that's terrible." George gasped.
George loved patches, but could never love her as much as Dream does.

"Yeah..." he continued, George held his hand for moral support, "she tried taking her to the vets, but she was in too much pain. They had to put her down." He croaked, his voice cracking a little.
It was the first time he had said it out loud to anyone, only thinking about it in his mind before, it made it feel more real.
And he hated it, he hated it so much. Patches didn't deserve that.
But it also felt good, not keeping his emotions bottled up and stashed away at the back of his brain, talking to George had relaxed him.

George was rubbing the dirty blondes knuckles as he spoke, "Dream, I'm so sorry." He consoled, "Patches was mans best friend, better than any other pet ever." He complimented, "I'm sure your mom made sure she felt safe and lived in her last moments, no matter how stressful." He smiled softly.

Dream could feel his eyes water at the brunettes words, thats everything he had wanted to hear for the past few days.
"Thank you, George." He sniffled, trying to keep his tears from falling.
George's eyes stung at the sight of Dreams teary ones, "it's okay, Dream." He wrapped his arms around the other, "all of it, it's all going to be okay."

The taller didn't hesitate to immediately wrap his arms around the brunette, finally receiving the feeling of his embrace that he had longed for and craved for the past couple days, inhaling his familiar scent and feeling the familiar warmth that he brought.
Both of them never wanted the hug to end, neither had fully comprehended just how much they had needed the feeling of the others embrace, as if the other would disappear if they pulled away, they didn't care break them hug.

Short chapter Cus I am struggling to brain. To do the mind thing. To do McThoughts. Yes.

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