Dream and George just chatted for a while about streaming and the SMP until eventually they moved on to Dreams much wanted conversation where George explained being Transgender.
Before the conversation, Dream only knew it as a person that doesn't identify as their birth gender, which according to George was already one of the best understanding he's heard from someone who didn't know much about it.
He explained how he had received a lot of hate for it back in school just because of how a lot of people saw it due to being misinformed and uneducated by the media and by transphobic family members.Dream listened carefully to every word George said, at first he wasn't fully comfortable talking about the subject incase he said something that Dream wouldn't like, but after a while he started to ease into it a bit and talked more and more passionately about the things that make him happy during transitioning, and ranting for ages about all the things that make him feel dysphoria, some of them they both agreed just made no sense.
George explained what his injections were for to Dream, and the effects it has on his secondary sex characteristics, and how it helps him pass. He also talked about top surgery which he almost had enough money for, he was basically jumping for joy as he told him how close he was to reaching the amount he needed.
After explaining to Dream what a chest binder was, he confessed that he had worn it for the whole week that they slept in the same room so he didn't find out, Dream lightly scolded him, he was upset that George had put his health and chances of surgery in danger but understood his reasoning and was just glad his ribs seemed to be okay.
Dream eventually worked up the courage to ask for dos and donts. What he should and shouldn't do or say that could upset George.
Dream was anxious to ask George this because he didn't want to sound rude or anything, but George saw it as a very thoughtful thing to ask and he happily explained to him his dysphoria triggers, petnames he should and shouldn't use, along with boundaries.
Specifically ones to do with their new relationship.George said things such as: he didn't want to be shirtless infront of Dream till he had his top surgery done, Dream completely understood why and respected his boundaries completely. He just wanted him to be happy and comfortable around him.
The two ended up talking for hours before the others came downstairs and Bad arrived home after being at Skeppys for a few days.
They all ate dinner together again that evening since nobody was busy streaming, Bad talked about his visit as Skeppys but clearly left some bits out, Quackity and Karl both passionately talked about all the fun the three of them had on stream while Sapnap just watched them lovingly, laughing along with them at certain points.It was George's turn to wash up that night, so everyone else stayed at the table while he took the plates over to the sink, politely denying Dreams offer to do it for him. (Simp :))
He was still in the same room as them, so he still heard everything they were saying. Whilst Dream was telling them the same thing he had previously told George about the SMP, George received a notification.
He took his gloves off before pulling his phone out to see a dm from Snapchat, he turned around to see the taller just casually looking at his phone, bored.George opened the notification to see a Snapchat photo of Sapnap looking bored with the caption "help I'm surrounded by homosexuals" which George found hilariously funny since he had TWO boyfriend.
It was like music to sapnaps ears when he heard George fail to hold in his laughter, a small snicker escaping his lips. He hadn't heard George laugh so genuinely in ages, and after the earlier events that he still felt guilty about, he was glad he could make him laugh.
George's failed attempt at hiding a laugh only made sapnap laugh a little aswell, causing a chain reaction in the two. Both of them making "pff" sounds as they tried their best to hold it in.It wasn't even that funny.
It's like when you look at your best friend at the other end of the classroom and just laugh so hard that you actually start crying. But literally for no reason. Nothing funny even happened.
Dream looked between the two confused before continuing his conversation with the three other equally as confused males.
George sent a photo back of a selfie of him whilst looking off screen at sapnap with the caption 'help I'm surrounded by cis people' which made sapnap smile instead of laugh, the fact that George felt comfortable enough to make trans jokes with him made him really happy.
George also felt the same, the fact Sapnap was smiling and wasn't uncomfortable or cautious when it came to George's trans jokes was a relief, he wanted to make so many so often but didn't want to out himself before.If being trans is going to suck either way, why not make a few relatable vent jokes?
George loved moments like these when everyone was just relaxed and enjoying themselves, now that he was out to his best friend and his boyfriend? What could possibly go wrong?
(Lmao foreshadowing? I think yes.)

Dysphoric (DNF-ftmGeorge)
FanfictionGeorge is ftm trans and he's excellent at keeping the secret from the others, but when George, Dream, sapnap, karl and Bad all move in together, it becomes a harder secret to keep. There is dnf Cus why not, possibly skephalo, maybe a sprinkle of kar...