-(a few days later)- :(
Third person:
"Nooooooooooooo" Karl cried, clinging on to Quackity as he dragged his luggage towards the train, he hadn't brought much with him, just some clothes and a few belongings, he borrowed Sapnap and Karl's clothes often anyway since he was the smallest "please don't leave me alone with this idiot, Quack!" He whined, earning a small chuckle from Sapnap.
"Karl, I'm going to miss my train!" He screamed, trying to break Karl's tight grasp around his waist. People were looking at the three and it was making him nervous.
"But I'm going to miss you..." he pouted. They had already done their goodbyes, but Karl wasn't ready for the 3 months to end. He needed to be with Quackity 24/7 and make sure he was okay, he had no way of knowing if he was really alright over the phone.
"I'm going to miss you too, mi amour." He kissed his forehead, "but I need to go now, okay?"
"But we never got to have that date at the park you suggested..." he frowned.
"We can do it in two weeks." Quackity suggested, "I have a lot of studying to catch up on but in two weeks I'll visit for the weekend and we can go on a picnic date." He smiled.
"Okay." Karl agreed, "but you still can't leave." He joked, only gripping him tighter.
"Sapnap! Please! I'm stuck!" Quackity laughed.
Sapnap ripped Karl away from the shorter, "noooooo" he protested, reaching out for him.
"See you soon, Quackity." Sapnap smiled weakly, he wasn't good at saying goodbye to people, especially his partners.
Quackity was aware of this, he kissed Sapnap on the cheek, avoiding Karl's prison-like grasp, "goodbye Sappy" he smiled, dragging his luggage to the train.
He waved at them as the train departed, smiling at them so not to show how sad he really was. As soon as it really sunk in that he wouldn't be able to see them all the time, or hug them when he's sad, or reassure him that he's doing a great job when he doubts himself. He won't be able to feel their warm and comforting embrace whenever he needs it.
His eyes stated to water a bit but he refused to let the tears fall, trying to focus on what he could see out the window and all the studying he would have to catch up on.
This was going to be a long two weeks.
A few hours later the train arrived at his destination, he grabbed his stuff and got off of the train.
As he was exiting he had to scan his ticket, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the paper, but it wasn't his ticket.
Confused but holding up a small cue he quickly slid it back into his pocket and pulled out the ticket, he scanned it and exited the train station.
He got in a passing taxi and gave the driver his address before pulling out the slip of paper again.It was a small picture, a selfie of the three of them that they had taken without him knowing, it was taken that morning before he left, before he woke up even. He was clinging onto Sapnap while Karl was wide awake taking the photo and smiling, sapnap was also smiling, holding a pen. Quackity's face had pen marking on shaped as cat whiskers.
They slipped it in his pocket before he left, the words "we miss you already Quackster" written in sharpie on the bottom.
So cliche and cheesy it made him smile. Definitely something they would do.He immediately pulled out his phone and looked at the camera.
They never took it off, he was in such a hurry he didn't notice.
He immediately burst out laughing, earning an odd look from the driver, "these idiots" he couldn't stop the tears this time.
He missed them so much already.This was going to be a very long two weeks.

Dysphoric (DNF-ftmGeorge)
FanfictionGeorge is ftm trans and he's excellent at keeping the secret from the others, but when George, Dream, sapnap, karl and Bad all move in together, it becomes a harder secret to keep. There is dnf Cus why not, possibly skephalo, maybe a sprinkle of kar...