Part 12

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(I apologise for all my spelling mistakes, I just read through the last few parts and corrected then hehe)

Sapnaps pov:
After taking George back to his room I went straight to Dreams, I could only imagine how he was feeling right now.
I knocked on his door, but nobody responded.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned it on to check the time, '10:36'
'He's probably just sleeping or something. He probably wants space right now anyway.' I concluded.

I walked over to Karl's room and knocked on his door, the door almost immediately opened to reveal both of my boyfriends.
"Is George okay?" Karl quietly asked, a small frown on his face.
The thought of mine and George's conversation earlier made me frown aswell, I felt so guilty.
"I wish I could say he was. But I'm sure everything will turn out okay." I answered.
Quackity grabbed my hand, planting a kiss on my knuckles before guiding me inside, "I'm sure he will by fine, mi amor. Let's just get some sleep tonight, we can try and help resolve whatever is happening tomorrow." He assured.

"I think what's happening is my fault..." I confessed, gazing remorsefully into my partners eyes.
The noirettes reassuring smile fell, a look of sympathy painted on his face, "what do you mean, Sappy?"
Sapnap started to play with Quackity's hand, "I gave Dream some great advice, except it was about George who has some stuff going on. It's hard to explain. But it ended bad for them both." I felt Karl silently rub my arm reassuringly, "I thought I was doing the right thing... I really didn't intend for this to happen..."
"We know Sappy, we know." Karl assured, placing a soft affectionate kiss on my cheek, "we are going to help you fix this, dont worry. But being stressed isn't going to make things any easier, Quackity is right we need to get some sleep for now. We can't do anything until morning."

I sighed in defeat, "okay..." I gave him a tired grin, "but only because I love you." I kissed his cheek, I turned to Quackity infront of me, I pulled his hand which shifted his body closer and I placed a kiss on his forehead, "and I love you too. Let's go to sleep." I smiled thinking about how I get to call the two most perfect beings in my life 'mine'.
We all got into bed, Quackity in the middle and me and Karl on either side of him, sleep slowly overtook me as I held them close.
'I will fix this.'

-next morning-
"Nooooo don't leave love." A half asleep Karl mumbled as I climbed out of bed, his voice deeper and scratchy.
"Sorry baby, I'll be back later, I need to talk to Dream as soon as possible." I told him, earning a small dissatisfied grumble from the male as I pushed his hair away and kissed his forehead.
"Good luck." The noirette added, mumbling into Karl's shirt.

I left the room, leaving the light off and quietly closing the door, only grabbing my phone on the way out. I checked the time as I plodded over to Dreams room again, '9:37' I read.
'Hopefully he's awake, he usually is by now.'

I gently knocked on Dreams door, I didn't hear any signs of life and assumed he was probably still asleep, but to my surprise I heard a quiet "cone in." From the other side of the door.

I did as the voice commanded and I opened the door, there Dream was, laid on his back atop of his bed, his legs leaning against the wall. His head was hanging off the edge of the side of his bed, his fluffy, dirty blonde hair sticking out in different directions as if trying to defy gravity.
His eyes were tinted red and slightly puffy, I couldn't suppress the return of my earlier feelings of guilt, the dude looked like a mess, he looked beaten.

I closed the door behind me and sat beside him on the bed, "Dream, I'm sorry. I feel like this was my fault." I apologised.
"It wasn't your fault, Sapnap. I needed to hear what you said, otherwise I would've never told him how I felt." He responded, "you can't control people's feelings. It's not your fault that George doesn't feel the same way towards me that I do to him."

"But that's just the thing, Dream. He does." I informed.

"No. He doesn't." Dream disagreed, "he told you what happened, right? I told him how I felt and he didn't feel the same."

"He never said he didn't like you back." I affirmed.

Those words seemed to catch the others attention, he sat up and stared at the wall, his eyes were wider and hopeful. Still not quite convinced or joyful, but still hopeful.
He faced me with a piercing glare, "you know something." He claimed, his tone sounding almost threatening.

"Perhaps." I shrugged, "but that's something you need to talk with him about yourself." I added. "After the whole... situation." I started, "he came to my room and talked about the reason he did what he did, and I don't blame him. He's struggling with it and has for a long time, he is worried you won't like him for it." I explained vaguely, "he also talked about how much you meant to him, he really likes you. Like a lot. But he doesn't think he's good enough for you." I resumed.

"... did he really say that?" Dream inquired, "does he really... how could he think that about himself?" He asked himself.
"What is the thing he's struggling with?"

"That's for you two to talk about privately, I promised him I'd let him tell you himself. It's not my place to say anyway." I shot.

Dream nodded in understanding before spinning his body round the right way and getting up off the bed swiftly, "I'm going to go and talk to him." He announced.

I grinned at how successful the conversation turned out, "good luck, Dream. Oh! And let him take his time, the thing he's going to tell you is really hard for him to talk about. He's really nervous." I warned.

Dream hummed gratefully, "I will give him all the time in the world. His smile is worth every second of my existence." He stated before leaving the room.

"God he's so cheesy." I cried internally at the boys words, "so, so cheesy." I cringed.

I also got up and left back to Karl's room, hoping for the best as I saw George's door shut and Dream nowhere to be seen on my way there. 'They'll be fine.'

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