Lmao omw to a haircut 💅👍 haha hello anxiety-
Happy almost Halloween.
Third person pov:
Quackity guided a very nervous sapnap into the house by his hand, and quietly led him to the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Dream spoke, glaring at the two.
Quackity decided to ignore his rudeness and continued to take Sapnap upstairs, "hey-"
"No." Quackity spat, turning to face the dirty blonde, "dont you 'hey' him. You're being a real dick today, I hope that whatever is going on with you is resolved so you can apologise to Sapnap and move. On." He glared, both Sapnap and Dream were shook by the shorters tone, he continued up the stairs, "we are going to see George, don't you dare get involved. Or I will personally end you myself." He ended.Once out of sight, Sapnap kissed Quackity's hand that was holding his as a silent thank you. Dream was left downstairs in shock, thoughts of all his actions today getting muddled.
The retaliation of them all made him feel backed in a corner, he hated the feeling. It only made him more frustrated, causing him to lash out more.
He stomped off to a different room.Bad stood at the doorway to the house with groceries, after witnessing these events he decided to just place the bags on the small wooden table by the door and leave again.
"Nope." He sighed, holding his hands up slightly as he backed away, "not dealing with that." He pulled out his phone as he started up the car, he clicked on Skeppys contact and warned him of his arrival.Quackity parted ways with Sapnap after knocking on the door, patting his back as a good luck and farewell.
Karl answered the door, just incase it was Dream. He was happy to see his boyfriend on the other side of it.
"Good luck" he smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek before leaving to find Quackity.It was now just Sapnap and George in the room.
"George I'm so sorry" he apologised immediately, "I really didn't mean it, really it was just an accident."
"I know, Sapnap. I'm not upset with you or anything I promise, I don't blame you for anything I just wanted to make sure you were okay." George smiled sadly at the taller.
"I still feel really shitty about it. I'm a terrible friend and I would understand if you didn't want to speak to me every again or-"
"Woah woah dude calm down, your over reacting a bit don'tcha think? I already said it was okay. I'm over it." George interrupted.Sapnap just nodded and stayed silent, he knew any claims that he was in the wrong would only be denied by the shorter. He was now more worried about Dream, what the hell had gotten into him?
Usually he wouldn't get so worked up over something so small, he was really rude.The boys discomfort was clear, "I'll talk to Dream. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he was being so rude." He reassured him.
Sapnap and George both felt that there was something off about Dream, both also felt that they hadn't done enough to reassure eachother that neither were upset or guilty.
They were both filled with it. Both thought that this was their fault, Sapnap felt guilty for what he accidentally said that has now seemingly put George and Dream on bad terms, and George felt guilty for letting the whole fight happen and not stepping in, and for leaving his bottle just carelessly lying around.
But neither planned to "burden" anyone with their issues as they would say.Meanwhile, Dream was sat downstairs thinking over his day. His mind kept flashing to his fight at Sapnap. He seemed to be oblivious to where he went wrong, 'was I too harsh maybe?' He wondered, he was unfair on the innocent boy, he backed him into a corner because he couldn't bare to be wrong after the situation escalated as much as it did, he didn't want people to think he was foolish. (Sorry, no not you Foolish).
But he was just doing the right thing. Right?
He was just sticking up for George?

Dysphoric (DNF-ftmGeorge)
FanfictionGeorge is ftm trans and he's excellent at keeping the secret from the others, but when George, Dream, sapnap, karl and Bad all move in together, it becomes a harder secret to keep. There is dnf Cus why not, possibly skephalo, maybe a sprinkle of kar...