Part 17

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George's pov:
After ending stream, Dream immediately came back into my room like a sad puppy.
I leaned my head back to meet my eyes with his above me, he held my face and planted multiple kisses on my cheeks and head making me blush furiously.
The chemical reaction in my cheeks causing the dirty blonde to glean proudly.
'His smile is so cute' I thought, his being contagious.
I reached up and grabbed his face, pulling it down and gave him a quick peck on the lips before pulling away and just smiling at his gorgeous face.

He pulled away completely and grabbed the back of my chair, spinning it round to face him.
"Get up" he commanded.
I did as he said, confused. The boy then took my place in the chair and held his arms a out, flicking his wrists towards him as a way of beckoning me towards him.

I sat on his lap, facing him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head in the crook, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

We just sat like that in almost silence for a while, it was nice. Occasionally, one of us would ask the other something or laugh at the other for nothing in particular, sometimes I would squeek at the surprise kisses the taller lovingly trailed my neck with.
At one point he asked how my binder felt, if it was feeling too tight or anything, the question usually made my feel dysphoric, remembering that I have a large chest, but instead it just made me feel happy, it reminded me that this boy holding me really cares about me.

I jolted at the sudden bleep from my discord as Sapnap unmuted himself, "George, are you coming back or what?" He asked, you could hear him smirking through the mic, knowing full well he was interrupting.

Both me and Dream blushed, completely forgetting I was still on a discord call with Sapnap and Karl from the stream.
"No, he's preoccupied right now." Dream answered.

"Dream, release the poor boy now so he can help me and my beloveds build an epic tree house." He pouted.

Dream groaned through a hum as he determined whether or not he should comply with his demands, "hmmmmmmmmmm no"

"George, tell yo mans to leave so you can build an epic tree house with me and my beloveds." Sapnap ordered.

"Dream, leave so I can build an epic tree house with Sapnap and his beloveds." I repeated jokingly, earning a fake gasp from Dream.

"How could you?! I feel betrayed, my honour has been insulted, I am discombobulated-"
"Discombobulated?" George laughed.
"Yes. Now, you can have your little play date with sappynappy," he started, "but I'm staying right here." He protested.

"Okay fine." I shrugged, being perfectly fine with it. I got up and changed position on his lap so he was now behind me, his arms snaked back around my waist as I reached for my mouse and keyboard.
"Ewwww you guys are so lovey dovey" Karl fake gagged, secretly happy for his best friends.
"Remember sex before marriage is a sin!" Quackity screamed through Sapnaps mic.

"Oh my god shut up" sapnap laughed, hearing a few kissy noises through the mic.

"Ewww you guys are so lovey dovey" I mocked, mimicking Karl.
"Shut up and help me with the tree house!" Karl screamed. 

Everything seemed to be going so well lately, especially with coming out and stuff, it went so much better than I thought it would even if it was only to two people.
Everything at that very moment seemed too perfect, I felt truly relaxed and safe in Dreams arms.

But maybe this was just the calm before the storm?

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