Third person:
Over the past few days, George had been growing more and more stressed over his arms, Dream had asked a few times if he wanted to change into anything cooler like a short sleeved tshirt but he would always refuse.
This was just a reminder that it was always going to be hard to hide.
And eventually he would find out.All five house occupants were currently sat in the kitchen just chatting except for Dream, he had disappeared for a moment only to return with a huge smile on his face, "we should all do something together today." He stated.
"Why?" Karl asked, not his usual chipper self, but he was trying his best.
"Because we haven't all hung out since George moved in, we've all been busy with drama and such." He complained, "but right now we are all just chilling, not busy, and one-hundred percent ready for a beach day!" He announced.
A few head perked up at this, "that doesn't sound too bad actually." Sapnap inputted.
"It's a great day for it too according to the weather forecast" Bad added, "would I be able to invite Skeppy?"
"Of course." Dream replied.
George was having a mini freak out, it was already quite hot, and he was wearing long sleeves, but at least the house had air conditioning. Nobody really asked for his opinion, nor Karl's who wasn't really in the mood but was convinced by Sapnap that it might be a good idea.
Karl didn't want to be out having fun when his boyfriend was in his room studying and stressing so much that he wasn't looking after himself.
George was nervous about whether or not people would be suspicious if he wore a long sleeve shirt to the beach, he wouldn't be swimming anyway, since he came out at trans he hadn't swam, he knew how still, he just never wanted to since then.
But he could.
What if he wore his shirt still and went in the sea? He didn't have to go too deep. Nobody in the group would judge since he's out to them. Maybe he could finally do something he had wanted to do for so long?They all packed a rucksack each with spare clothes, swimming gear, some money for food and other items they would need.
Karl and Bad got in Sapnaps car, while George got in Dreams and they set off to the beach.It was only an hour and a bit away, not far. If they were up for it, they could've probably walked there and it would only take about two hours.
"Are you alright Karl?" Bad asked, leaning closer to the passenger seat.
"Yeah I'm fine, why?" He lied.
"You just seem a bit down today" he smiled weakly, "Me and Sapnap will listen if you have anything you need to talk about." He promised.
"I know..." he stated, "just some stuff going on, it's not really something we want to share." He added.
Bad hummed, understanding, he decided to change the subject, "so you guys never did give me an answer." He stated, the other two were confused, "are you two going out? Or..." he pointed between them.
Sapnap laughed a little, "dude I thought you were joking before" he chuckled, "me, Karl and Quackity are all in a relationship." He stated.
"Oh! Congrats you guys!" Bad clapped happily.
"Thanks" Karl smiled a little, he always loved the approving reactions that Bad would give.
They all arrived at the beach at the same time, taking their belongings and walking the rest of the way down. The beach wasn't too crowded, it was one one side but closer to the rockpools was almost empty.
"Hey guys!" A voice called, the figure ran up to them with his own bag.
"Skeppy!" Bad cheered, the others waved and said hello before Bad basically kidnapped him and they talked for a while.The rest of them lay out 2 large blankets on the sand, leaving their stuff they went over to the sea, except for George and Karl.
"You not going?" Karl asked, confused."Nah, you?"
"Nope." He replied, popping the p, "guess we just wait for them then huh?"
"I guess..." the brunette replied, "why aren't you, tho?"
"Don't wanna." Karl huffed, "I don't want to have fun while Quackity is stressing" George knew Quackity well, they were quite close, Karl felt he could really talk to George, he was understanding and kind.
"Oh. Is he alright?" George frowned, only just hearing about this. He had only messaged Quackity once, but he replied with him being busy with studying for the next few weeks and couldn't talk much, so he didn't really try.
"I don't think so..." he sighed, "he's been studying non-stop all week, I called him yesterday and he sounds like shit. When we call him he doesn't answer because his phones on silent but when he goes to bed he apologises over text which is sent at about 3am sometimes." He explained, "I don't think he's looking after himself, this isn't healthy for him, but he is denying that he's doing anything wrong. I don't want him to be so stressed out, he needs us with him right now." He finished.
"Then go see him." George stated.
"I mean literally go to his house," he started, "and go see him."
"No. No we can't just..." he paused, "maybe we should..." he contemplated.
"You should!" George smiled.
"Thanks George, I actually don't know why we didn't think of that." He weakly laughed, "I just don't want to distract him from studying and make it worse" he added.
"Then just be there for him and make sure he doesn't go overboard like he is." George ordered.
Karl hummed, "so what about you?"
"Yeah, why aren't you going in the sea?" (Life by the sea) he questioned.
"Dunno." He shrugged, there wasn't rlly anything holding him back except his long sleeve shirt.
"Maybe we should join them then?" He asked.
"Hmm..." George thought over everything that could go wrong before replying, "sure".
(Lmao me)They both raced to the sea, they got about waist deep when they reached the others, all of them laughing and splashing water at eachother.
It was fun.
Everyone enjoyed themselves.Until...
👀👀👀hehehehehe see u after school losers.

Dysphoric (DNF-ftmGeorge)
FanfictionGeorge is ftm trans and he's excellent at keeping the secret from the others, but when George, Dream, sapnap, karl and Bad all move in together, it becomes a harder secret to keep. There is dnf Cus why not, possibly skephalo, maybe a sprinkle of kar...