Part 19

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Still crying?
Refill your tear glands so the ducts can properly saturate your eyes folks. *cracks knuckles*

Third person:
This is exactly what George was afraid of.
Getting misgendered.
Loosing friends.
He hated it all.

The two left in the house tried to talk to him, asking him if he was okay and what he heard, enough. He heard enough.
He knew the situation would only get more confusing if he didn't separate himself from the others, he couldn't think with the overwhelming pressure he felt.

He quickly turned and bolted up the stairs despite the others yells of protest.
Dream tried to follow him up the stairs, but Karl blocked him and shook his head.
"I think you've done quite enough." He glared.
Dream backed down, guilt bubbling, he wasn't quite sure why though, he was just standing up for George.

Karl turned and went upstairs after seeing Dreams expressions, clearly he needed some time to think about his actions.
Karl sighed, hoping Sapnap was okay. 'It wasn't his fault...' he frowned.

He knocked on George's door, interrupting George from his train of thought. Assuming it was Dream, he didn't answer, not wanting to talk to him right now.
"It's just Karl." The voice announced, "can I come in? I just want to talk about what just happened." He asked, hearing no response, "it's completely fine if you don't want to, I get it if you need some time you can-"
The door opened.

Karl smiled softly at George before entering. George closed the door and stood infront of it, he glared at Karl, implying he was clearly pissed about what just happened and how confused he was.
"Talk." He ordered, ignoring the feeling of wet tears on his cheeks as he sniffled, he didn't want to cry right now.

"It wasn't Sapnaps fault." Karl immediately stated, "I don't even know why Dream is making such a big deal out of it, it was such a small thing..." he frowned.

"Just tell me what happened." George deadpanned, Karl was slightly intimidated by his stare.

Karl knew George wouldn't be mad when he explained it, but he also knew he wouldn't be pleased. It was better than what he was probably currently assuming.

Karl chuckled nervously, scratching his arm, "I guess I'll start from the beginning then..." he started, George sat in the gaming chair behind him, not breaking eye contact, "basically, Quackity came back from the bathroom with a small bottle and he was very confused. He gave it to me and I read testosterone and I immediately knew what it was for. We assumed you must have left it in the bathroom after you used it." He explained, George assumed it was his fault for being so careless after his last shot, "Quackity was very new to the term transgender, so understandably it took a lot of explaining. Sapnap helped a lot with that actually, he knows much more than I do about it and put it into much better words." He recapped, "Quackity ended up understanding completely, he had only ever heard transphobic stuff from some of his family members, so we were glad to be able to educate him." George frowned at the thought of his best friend having transphobic family members, that is never fun, "and so after explaining it to Quackity in great detail, Sapnaps brain was still caught up in the topic when he accidentally said 'she' whilst talking about you with Dream later on. It just slipped out George, he really didn't mean it."

"I know, Karl. It's fine. I've had friends in the past that did the same, some on purpose some by accident. A one of the friends I came out to in school got confused and accidentally misgendered me a few times because he was a little confused I guess. I'm not sure, but it was clear he didn't mean it." He told him.

"He really didn't mean it, George. He feels so bad about it. He already felt guilty because of the whole Dream and you thing a few days ago, along with the fact he had to out you too explain testosterone and transitioning to us." Karl pleaded.

"I know, Karl. I realised that when I saw his face..." George frowned, "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have left the bottle in there that was clumsy and careless of me." Tears started falling again as he sniffled.

Karl immediately walked over and hugged him tight, "it's okay George, it's not your fault I promise, you didn't do anything wrong, okay?" He reassured, "we all make mistakes sometimes, alright? Leaving the bottle in there may have been clumsy, but the following events were not caused by you."
He pulled away, "I completely accept you by the way. You will always be George no matter what and we all love you unconditionally."

George sniffled, smiling through his tears, "thanks, Karl."

Karl stood back up and dusted himself off, "no problem, goggy." He joked, "now, what do we do next?"

"I want to speak to him." George answered rather abruptly.

"To Dream? I can go and get him if yo-"
"No." He interrupted, "to sapnap. I want to talk to Sapnap."

Karl was happy that he wanted to talk to Sapnap, but was worried about the interactions between him and Dream to come.
"Alright, I'll call Quackity and see how he's doing."

Karl pulled his phone out of his pocket and sat on George's bed, he clicked on Quackity's contact and waited as it rang.
Then a short click when he picked up.

"Hi, Q"

"Hey, Karl. How's everything going over there?" Quackity frowned, rubbing Sapnaps back as the brunette listened in, curious about George's current state.

"Um. Uncertain." He looked at George, the boy looked at him confused, only being able to hear one side of the conversation.

"Okay. Is George alright?" The noirette asked, Sapnap waited for his response.

"George is fine. A little distraught I think, but fine."

"That's good to hear. Sap is really worried that he fucked up their friendship." Quackity confessed.

"Where are you guys right now?" Karl asked him.

"Not far. We found a secluded place at the park near by, not many young people live around here so it's pretty empty. It's quite nice, hey we should have a picnic here-"

"Duckling, I love you but this isn't the time." He chuckled slightly, "please can you pass the phone to Sapnap."

Quackity said his goodbyes before handing Sapnap the phone, "hey." His voice croaked, immediately breaking Karl's heart, he longed to hug the boy.

"Hey, baby. Do you think you can come home, please? George really wants to talk to you. He isn't mad at all, I promise."


"Yeah. I just explained what happened to him, he said it was fine and he completely understood."

"B-but dream-"

"But Dream nothing. You get ur handsome butt home now or no cuddles." He smiled.

"No cuddles?" Sapnap chuckled, already cheering up.

"Well... less cuddles." He corrected.

"Alright alright, we are coming." Sapnap responded, "I love you."

"I love you too, Sappy."

They hung up the phone, Karl looked over to see George smirking at him playfully.
"What?" Karl blushed, completely forgetting he was in the room.

"Sappy~" he mocked, "sappy you will get no cuddles from me and we will die from touch starvation!" He mimicked Karl's voice.

"Heyyy I do not sound like that!" He retorted.

George laughed at his reaction, "you so do" he rolled his eyes.
Karl was about to retaliate by comparing his relationship with Dream, but thought it was best to not mention him for now.

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