Part 44

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I was busy with some stuff, and today I was at comiccon BUT IM HERE NOW!

Dreams pov:
"I'm guessing you want to know what the call was about?" The brunette mumbled into my chest, he had been silently crying for a while, I could feel the sogginess of my clothing but I didn't really care.
"You only have to talk if you want to, it was obviously upsetting, so I won't force you." I replied, combing my fingers through his hair.

"No. I want to tell you." He sighed, relaxing his grip around my waist, "she's an ex." I stated vaguely.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "she's an ex?" I repeated.
"Yeah. We dated back in school, we were like... 17 or something, in college." He started, "but she was very manipulative and controlling, I wasn't happy but she made me believe that I was." He explained, I hummed to show I was listening, "I didn't tell her that I was trans, I had started medically transitioning a couple years before, so I was on T at the time." He added, "I wanted to tell her, but I never had the courage to after some... previous experiences." He continued, "but one day, of course, the inevitable happened and she found out, she had walked in while I was getting changed or something and saw my binder. She wasn't pleased. She broke up with me that very moment, and after that she tried to be friends with me... but..." he paused.

"But?" I questioned, curious.

"But in her mind I was a girl. And she tried to hardest to convince me of that aswell, telling me that I was confused and treated me like I was mentally ill or something..." his voice wavered, "I hated it. But every time I tried to escape her she just somehow kept appearing in my life, and a part of my didn't mind because I didn't have anyone else, so her presence was somewhat comforting..."

"What a bitch." I scoffed,

"I know." He muttered.

"But that doesn't really explain the phone call? I mean I get why you're upset, but she kept calling you... umm it began with O-"

"Olivia" he finished. His voice cracking and his body tensing at the word.
I immediately noticed how uncomfortable he was after hearing the word leave his own mouth.

"It's okay. You don't have to keep going." I smiled gently.

"It's my deadname." He blurted.

The cogs in my brain didn't seem to have that word in my mental dictionary, "your what now?" I chuckled awkwardly, feeling bad that I didn't know the word.

"My old name. Before I was George." His voice cracked, I finally understood the reason for his reaction. Poor George.

I hummed, trying to calm myself before I tracked down Isabella and committed unspeakably gruesome, murderous acts on her.
"It doesn't suit you at all, George is better. It matches you're masculine appearance and brilliant personality." I smiled, continuing to play with his hair.


"Thank you" I heard a small voice mumble.

"It's okay, Georgie." I smiled, "

We hugged for a few more minutes before I spoke again, "come on! Let's get you something to eat." I announced, earning a disapproving groan from the boy in my arms.
"Come on. I'll make some pasta." I added, I felt the boy perk up a bit.

"Okay." I felt his grip relax, he had a small smile on his face, I smiled at the fact I had managed to brighten his day even just a little.

"Let's go!" I grabbed his hand and escorted him to the kitchen.

He sat down at the island as I cooked us some pasta, nothing interesting, just some plain pasta, George doesn't really like anything on it. I wonder why? Probably just a taste preference.
I don't mind, I'll eat whatever.

While I was cooking, we were just laughing and joking around, until George's phone started ringing, "oh, give me a second." He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen, his eyes widened a little before he denied and placed the phone face down on the counter top.

I gave him a questioning look, he just gave me a scared and pleading look back, he looked like he just wanted to disappear.
Both our attention shot back to the phone as it buzzed again, vibrating on the table loudly.
George didn't even want to touch it at this point.

I glared at the phone and picked it up, turning the stove off before walking to the other side of the room despite the shorters words of protest.

I clicked answer, holding the phone to my ear and glaring into the distance. Nobody hurts my George.
Whoever this was was going to receive my wrath.

"Olivia!" The voice squealed.

I was immediately enraged by the voice.
Oh, this isn't going to end well.
For her.

Dysphoric (DNF-ftmGeorge)Where stories live. Discover now