Part 34

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Chapter especially for Skephalo content because 🤌🤌   Yes
There just hasn't been enough, none really, only hints.
Wooooo let's begin yall.

Third person:
Bad walked up to Skeppy's apartment where he had been an hour before, he took a long deep sigh before finally working up the courage to knock on the door.

He heard a distant muffled "Coming!" Come from inside the apartment, Bad gulped realising the securing feeling of still having the chance to turn back had faded, now he had to face Skeppy.

It felt like forever for him to open the door, Bads hands were already shaking as he clutched his bag strap for some kind of support as his mind uncontrollably produced thousands of negative thoughts that filled him with anxiety.

Skeppy opened the door and his eyes widened at the sight of a shaking Bad, he wasn't expecting him to come back after his left.

"S-skeppy I'm sorry I'm so sorry I shouldn't have w-walked out," he stuttered, "I r-really shouldn't have, I'm sorry." Tears flooded his eyes as he waited for a response, the other wasn't saying anything and he was starting to grow more anxious.

Skeppy was taken aback and shocked by Bads sudden unannounced appearance seeing how he had left earlier without a word.
"Bad...?" He questioned, confused, he didn't know what to say, he didn't expect Bad to come back even though he wanted it so bad, he had hope that maybe this was a good sign.
He noticed tears rolling down the others cheeks.
"Nonono," he snapped out of his daze and rushed to comfort Bad, "hey, hey it's okay, Bad please don't cry." He pleaded, "I hate it when you cry." He cupped the others face and rubbed  cheeks, pushing the tears away.
"Do you want to come inside?" He asked.
Bad nodded and the other let go, guiding him inside.

They both sat down on the couch in the living room, "I'm sorry if I made you feel pressured or trapped," Skeppy apologised, "I know you probably left because you felt like you had to say yes to make me happy but didn't want to." He explained, "but that's okay, because you're a nice person, one of the kindest people I know and I realise I may have kind of sprung it on you too suddenly..." he paused, "that's probably also why you came back, huh?" He chuckled, "because you're too kind for your own good, I messed up but you still came back to make sure I was okay right?"

Bad smiled and shook his head, sniffling before he spoke, "I didn't come back for that."

Skeppys heart sunk at the fact he didn't deny the first part.

"I really like you, Skeppy." He confessed, "a lot. I really do."


Bad pursed his lips, slightly hurt, "but," he repeated, "I don't want you to have to put up with me."

"What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I mean I have," he started, remembering George's words, "mental baggage." He admitted, "there's some stuff I haven't told you and I'm worried you will treat me or see me differently after you inevitably find out." He explained.

"I understand." Skeppy started, "but Bad, I'm always here for you. My feelings will never change towards you. I will always like you no matter what 'mental baggage' you carry." He promised, "so I completely understand if you're not ready for a relationship."

"Yet." Bad added, "I'm not ready yet." He smiled, "I need to work on myself first before I can... do anything like that."

Skeppy grabbed his hand gently, "ill give you all the time you need, I'm here for you." He smiled, "and I'll wait until you're ready."

They both sat in a comfortable silence for a while.

"I'm going to go now." Bad spoke up, "want to play on the SMP later?" He asked as he grabbed his things.

"Yeah sure." Skeppy opened the door, "see you later, get home safe."

"Thank, bye!" He waved as he walked down the stairs.

Skeppy frowned as he closed the door, wishing the other would come back and open up to him about some of this 'baggage' he carried.
But really he just wanted his company.

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