Part 58

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Hah I might cry (you'll see at the bottom when you get there)

Third person:

After he was feeling well enough to go home, George and Dream got in the car and set off with all of their things in the back.
George still had bandages on, not as tight as before but enough to give his chest some support, he hadn't yet seen how his chest looked but he was allowed to take them off today. He decided to do it back at home.

Dream was driving while George spoke about how exited he was to get back home, it wasn't like he disliked his time with Dream, it was really nice, he just couldn't wait to share his experience with the rest.
The taller was the only one out of the two that knew about the surprise party they had planned for the brunette, making sure they left at the right time to arrive after they had prepared.

It was a small party, just the house members, it was only to celebrate George's de-tittening (I'm amazing), so it was just some diy banners and some balloons along with a few bowls of snacks and such.
Of course there was no alcohol or anything due to Quackity's trauma, nobody really minded though since it was just a party for George after all.

The dirty blonde messaged the group when they arrived back home hours later, alerting them that they had arrived.
The members in the house all hid and giggled, wanting to fully commit to the 'surprise' of the surprise party.

The oblivious brunette unlocked the door whilst still chatting to his boyfriend, the front door which led to the kitchen, clacked, alerting the house members to their presence.
They heard his footsteps and voice as he wandered closer to the island that they were all crouched behind.

"Oh!" he continued, "did I tell you that DrMallard sent a card congratulating me on my surgery?" He asked.
"No I don't think so" Dream stated, "that's your gender councillor correct?"
"Yeah kind of, he's more like a friend or a really formal gay uncle" he joked, "his partner is really nice, I met them last time, they have this really odd obsession with-"

"SURPRISE!" The four figures popped up from behind the table, making George jump and fall back only to be caught by Dream.

"WHAT THE HELL GUYS!" He screamed, holding a hand above his heart.

"Sorry but your conversation was getting boring" Karl protested, shrugging, "but anyway, CONGRATS BRO!"

"Oh... wait-" he only just noticed all the decorations around the room and mentally face palmed, he was so distracted he didn't even realise, "OH WAIT!" He gasped.

"Yeah dumbass!" Quackity joked, "happy tiddie-be-gone dude, we are so proud of you!"

"Language, you muffin heads!" Bad scolded before turning back to George with a beaming smile on his face, "I'm so proud of you George!" He held out a wrapped gift for George to take.

Nervously, George took the box from him, his face slightly red from embarrassment, "Bad you really didn't need to get me anything, it isn't that big of a deal..."

"Just open it, muffin head" Bad giggled.

George reluctantly opened the gift, he didn't really want his surgery to be something that required a huge celebration, he didn't want people to feel obliged to get him anything. But he appreciated the gesture, and decided it would be best to just live in the moment and feel guilty for it later.

"Hm?" He hummed, "what's this?" He yanked at the fabric and pulled the gift out of its wrapping in one swift movement. He admired it, it was a shirt, a blue one, the words '404' in a small red and white box's littered across the shirt in a discrete checker like pattern.
"Oh wow..." he gawked, "bad this is amazing I really like it..." he wasn't entirely sure why he gave him a shirt, but he appreciated it none the less.

"I realised that since you always wore your binder, and since then you've had bandages on" he started, "that you haven't actually worn a shirt and been like able to feel the shirt against your skin I guess, in a way" he chuckled nervously, "so I thought maybe now you would enjoy wearing things like shirts and stuff more now that you won't have as much chest dysphoria..."

George hugged him, "thank you so much, Bad! That is so thoughtful of you!" He smiled.

"We got you stuff too!" Quackity lifted a paper bag over his head, he passed it to George who let go of Bad and gratefully took it.
"We thought you might need some things while you were still recovering" Sapnap added, "plus a few extra things in there too."

Inside the bag was a back scratcher since he can't reach things yet so not to stretch his scars, some scar gel to minimise scar appearance, another button down shirt since he won't be able to stretch his arms up and put on a regular one, and a few bags of sugary comfort foods.
"We weren't entirely sure what you would need so we kinda just got you a gift package of sorts" Quackity shrugged.

"Yeah," Sapnap inputted, "these two tried to make you a cake, but what they made..." he paused, "that was not a cake"

"Was too!" Karl protested.

"No... no it wasn't"

George laughed at this, definitely believable "Thank you guys" he thanked, "really, this is amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends to know that I am trans" he sniffled, "I'm so glad it was you guys that found out, and that you treated me the same and saw me the same" tears started to well up in his eyes, he was never good at this sort of thing, "and I'm so happy that you all reached exactly how I wanted you to, and that you made sure I was comfortable." He was basically crying at this point, he hated crying, it made him feel feminine and weak, "I'm so glad I met you guys."

"We just wanted to make sure you knew how special you are to us" Dream took his hand, "we couldn't be prouder of you, I love you so much, and I always will. I'm going to be here with you through all of it, the transitioning, the dysphoria, the jokes, the laughs, and as much of our lives as I can" he kissed and rubbed his knuckles, the brunette struggled to hold back his crying. He didn't know why, but whenever people, especially Dream, said nice things like this to him, about his insecurities, made him feel so free and safe, so happy that he would want to cry.
"You're the best boyfriend a man could ask for" he finished. George kissed Dream and thanked him, he thanked the others too, they all chatted for a bit about their stay at the hotel and what it was like with the bandages on and such for a while.

"You ready to take them off now, George?" Dream spoke after a couple of minutes, the boy immediately perked up and ran up the stairs followed by the rest of the group.
They reached his room and he opened the door, he hadn't been in there in weeks, it all looked exactly the same.
But he didn't have time to take in the details.

He ran straight to his mirror and unbuttoned his shirt, Dream helped take it off so not to stretch his scars.
George didn't mind the rest of the house being there, he understood that they were all interested, plus he was proud to show off the challenge he had over come.

Dream helped unwrap the bandages.

"Wow..." George felt the tears coming back. This is all he had ever wanted. He had dreamt of this moment.
He ran a hand gently over his chest, careful of the plastered areas. He was flat, flatter than if he were wearing a binder in fact. He traced a finger over the wounds, still not fully healed, just starting to scar.
It was better than he had ever hoped for.

"Does it feel alright? Does it hurt anywhere?" Dream asked, remembering the doctors words from before they left. He received nothing but silence, the brunette was still just admiring his reflection.

The others stated in awe, they were so proud of him, George's reaction had made their days, they were so happy for him. They knew he had wanted this for a long time, you could tell.
The boys glassy eyes shimmered in the light from the window.


George immediately clung to the taller, interrupting him, letting the tears flow naturally, he didn't care anymore how his tears made him feel, he didn't care if he thought it was feminine.
Because he knew nobody in the room cared about that, he knew they were all just glad he was okay.

"Thank you so much" he choked into Dreams hoodie.

He knew how they saw him.

As George.

This was the last page.
This is the end yall.
That was the end.
I just finished it.

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