Part 31

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Vroom vroom 🐱🚗💨
Anywho let's get to business *cracks knuckles*

-mentions of scars

Third person:

Dream placed the last plate on the dish rack before pulling the plug and draining the sink and drying his hands.
It was his turn that night to do the dishes, but unlike usual, George had immediately disappeared upstairs after thanking the others for dinner, they had all looked at eachother once he had left, a silent yet expressionate glance at each other, all of them knew something was up.

It has been about half an hour since then, Dream was only just making his way upstairs to go and see him after washing up.
He knocked on the brunettes door.

He heard a quiet "come in" and he entered.
Just as they had suspected, the boy was not feeling his best today.

Dream sadly smiled reassuringly at the boy, he was tucked in on himself, curled up against the wall, his arms wrapped around his legs against his chest, his head limply lay on top of his arms, shadowed by the hood up over his head, two hoods. The brunette was wearing several hoodies from what Dream could see, his legs tucked under the top one, all of them very oversized.

The taller carefully closed the door, and walked over to the boy, gently sitting beside him, "c'mere." He held his arms out. Without even looking up, the brown eyed boy fell limp onto the man beside him, still curled up in a cocoon of soft fabrics of a million colours.
"I'm here, Georgie." He sang gently, rubbing the boys shoulder.
George didn't respond, only easing into the others touch.

George's head was filled with doubts and negative thoughts, making him crave the comforts of a cold blade.
But he was refusing the temptations, he knew it was wrong, even if he didn't know exactly why, he just knew that future him would regret it.
His mind was flooded with the continuous thoughts of insecurities and self-mistrust, the waters of hatred for himself building the negative floods of his mind to only grow larger.
Thoughts like 'you look too feminine' 'you don't pass' 'dream is only with you because he's nice' 'all the kindness is just sympathy' 'he would leave you if he could' 'just give up' 'you're just confused' 'she was right.'

'Maybe she was right.' He thought, remembering old memories he had tried to hard to suppress.

The brunette needed help, he needed someone to say something and break him out of his minds cycle, to open up the floodgates and drain the thoughts out. He needed support.
All he could think about were negatives.
He needed something to drown them out, something healthy to distract him.

Dream wasn't sure what to do except comfort the boy, he had assumed that the boy would prefer his silent forms of support since he clearly didn't seem like talking, continuing to console him physically, he wondered what was making him feel this way, he could only assume it was dysphoria. For the many years he had known George, he can't stop thinking about how he had to spend all those years and many before those struggling with this on his own.
And he only found out a few weeks ago.

'Maybe I should say something?' He questioned, noticing the boys mood wasn't at all improving.
He looked at the clock and saw it was only 7:36.
"Hey, georgey." He cooed, the brunette felt some of his worries dissipate as he focused on Dreams voice, "George, can you look at me please?" He pleaded.

George shook his head against the others torso, his mind convincing him his face was feminine and prevented him from passing he didn't want Dream to realise it too.
"Geeoooorrggeeeee~" he whined playfully, "george, please?" Dream asks gently, he shuffles round a bit so he's sat infront of the boy now, "my handsome man? My very masculine individual?" He chuckled.

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