Part 54

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97k!!! ALMOST 100k!!!

Mentions of scars/SH
Avoidance of food/eating

Third person:

The two had been keeping a close eye on Quackity, noticing how desperate he was for studying but they never understood why.
He was smart, he had studied loads already, they would be shocked if he wasn't one of the best in his class, he had never been one to do a lot of studying, especially not this much.

After staying for two days, they had managed to get Quackity to eat two whole meals a day and get two full nights rest, he was looking so much better already, and he felt it too. Not looking after himself had really taken a toll on his mental health, only adding to the stress he was dealing with.

The shorter walked into the kitchen where Karl was already preparing some breakfast, "hi" he greeted.
"Hey Q" he smiled, "would you mind getting some plates out? I'm almost done." He asked.
Quackity nodded, he stretched his arm up to open the wall cupboard but immediately pulled it away when his sleeve fell a little revealing his tainted skin.
He looked at Karl who wasn't facing him, luckily not paying attention, he quickly repeated his earlier actions and grabbed two plates, being careful not to drop them, no longer worrying as much about the visibility of the red streaks along his skin.
He wasn't having breakfast again, Karl knew this but made enough for him anyway.

"Thank you~" Karl sang, putting food on the plates.

They all chatted while the taller two ate their meal.
"Oh, time to go" he grabbed his things and kissed both of their cheeks before leaving to the door, "bye guys"
"Ba-bye big law man!" Karl joked as the door closed.

Sapnap and Karl just hung out all day until Quackity came back.

The noirette slammed the door and groaned, he felt so drained from school, Sapnap was the first to greet him, "Hey, Quack. Not having a great day?" He questioned, wrapping his arms round the boy who only rested his head on his chest and made untranslatable sounds of frustration, "that's okay" he rubbed his back.

Sapnap picked up the shorter, the noirette wrapped his legs around his waist and wrapped his arms around the tallers neck like he was a koala, whilst resting his chin on his collar as if he was recharging his emotional battery.

He was very light, the taller had no problem carrying him around. He took him to the kitchen where they had started making dinner, now it was just Karl since Sapnaps hands were full.
"Hey Ducking" he smiled, walking round the back of Sapnap to see Quackity's face, "you hungry?" He asked, Quackity shook his head, no. "Have you eaten today?" He asked. The noirette thought about his answer for a moment, deciding he shouldn't lie he shook his head again.

Karl frowned at this, but kissed his cheek and smiled, "that's alright, Q. I'm making something now, so you can eat that." He stated, he knew that Quackity was struggling and he also knew that he wasn't happy about not wanting to eat food, he had just gotten used to it.

Sapnap focused on keeping Quackity as comfortable as possible, while Karl focused on cooking. They didn't speak much, the comfortable silence accept for the sound of food cooking and the occasional hums was enough to make the shorter feel slightly sleepy.

The taller put him down and they all ate their food, the other two ate it much slower so that Quackity didn't feel like he was falling behind in any way and that he was allowed to take his time, no pressure.
He felt very comfortable in their presence.

"I did it again..." he mumbled, he felt he needed to tell them, a deal they had made months ago.

"Did what again?" Karl asked gently, aware he might know exactly what he was talking about.

"The thing..." he replied, taking another bite of food, "I did it again last week. I'm sorry." He could feel tears welling up in his eyes, he didn't want them to be disappointed.

"It's alright, Quack. It's okay, is it like last time?" Sapnap asked, stroking the smallers knuckles. He shook his head. "That's good then, we aren't upset with you or anything alright? We know you tried your best." He smiled.

"Yeah, Q, you were doing so well for so long! We are so proud of you!" Karl cheered.

"But I messed up" he protested, "and now I have to start again"

"It's okay to start again, Q. That's just a part of the process, and we will always be here to help and support you no matter what." Karl objected. The other nodded in agreement.

"Thank you..."

"No problemo" Sapnap joked.
"Where is it?" He asked, implying he was talking about a certain object.

"In the bin, promise." He stated.

"That's good. I'm very proud of you."

After his toxic relationship with his ex, Quackity was left with scars and unhealthy coping mechanisms. After he joined Sapnap and Karl's relationship they found out and did their best to help him, and they succeeded, after around 5 months they finally got him to a one month clean streak, they were so proud. Since then he was clean, except for last week when the pressure got to him, his mental health was at a low point and he felt the familiar urge to do something he would regret.

But that's all just part of the healing process.
And that's okay.

"Gracias, mi amors"

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