Part 25

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Pre-T trans problem moment: why tf my voice betray me like this?

Ayo besties I have Mock exams this week and I have maths tomorrow 😩💅 wtf even is trigonometry tho? Equilateral has 8 sides right?

Yeah. Study? Who's he/she/they? They hot?

I probs should do study ;) but alas I am writing fanfic instead because I really don't have the attention span for looking at the numbers and stuff 😎

Third person pov:

Dream heard a knock at his door, more like three slams of sorts which startled him. He hadn't spoken or heard from anyone in two days, this was his first interaction with life in the house since he yelled at Sapnap.
He had wanted this since that day, but deep down he was scared, he had no idea who was at the door or why they were at the door, he could only hope it was George.

He immediately scrambled to the door, the suspense killing him. He unlocked it and hesitated, he felt so weak from not eating in two days or sleeping much, it took time for his brain to fully process his movements.
He swung the door open to reveal his favourite boy.


George stood there with an awkward apologetic smile on his face whilst holding two plates with food on, after seeing me his eyes saddened along with his smile as it disappeared.
Dream just stood at the door waiting for the other to speak, his head aching from the lack of nutrients and water in his body.
God, he should've taken better care of himself.

After the door opened, George felt his smile disappear at the sight of dream. He looked so drained and weak, the eye-bags under his eyes were prominent yet you could tell he hadn't really left his bed. His hair was a mess and he looked skinnier? It was hard to tell in the darkness of his room.

Both boys were scanning the others features as they waited for the other to speak, to make the first move and start the conversation.
"Can I come in?" George decided to finally ask.

Dream tiredly nodded and stepped to the side to let George in, turning on the blinding light.
Dream was a clean person, you couldn't even tell he had been staying in his room for two days which amassed George.
They both sat on Dreams bed and George handed him a plate of food, "I heard you haven't left your room in days, and I'm guessing you haven't eaten."

Dream gratefully took the food and started to eat it, a small smile appeared on George's face at this. They both sat and ate in silence, once again unsure what to say to the other.
There was so much they wanted to talk about, it was just starting the conversation that would lead to it that counts.

"Actually I did leave my room." Dream chuckled, "I went to the bathroom whilst everyone was asleep." He posed in a way that made it obvious he knew that wasn't entirely a good thing but it was also an awkward situation he wanted to make more positive.

The strange hand gestures he did made George laugh a little whilst eating.

"Dream, that's not healthy. I bet you haven't drank anything either, you want some water?" He scolded.

"Nah nah I had a cup I just drank tap water from the bathroom Cus I'm just so cool like that." He responded, once again trying to fix the awkward aura of the room.

George frowned and playfully pouted at the taller with a glare which only made Dream chuckle slightly, George just looked like a panda, even when they try to be scary they just look cute.

Dysphoric (DNF-ftmGeorge)Where stories live. Discover now