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"I'm sorry"

These were the last words I said to her. My best friend, before I left hundreds of years ago. Inazuma, the place I called home for many years, was the place I loved. I loved her...

I stared at the water, as it glared at me. What if it wasn't the same since I left? What if it's gone? What if Ei & Makoto, I mean Baal, are gone? So many thoughts entered and left my head.

I was soon approached by the poet enthusiast I met a few days ago, Kazuha. He stood next to me, looking at the sea like it was one of the most boring places to be. I kept him in my peripheral vision as I stared at all of the fish splashings in the water. He moved his head towards me in an attempt to start a conversation.

"So, why are you going to Inazuma anyways? You did not specify your motives" He glared at me. I heard that Inazuma had gone crazy haywire since I left, it was extremely difficult for anyone to get in or leave. As if it had just gone on sudden lockdown. In my response I knew I couldn't say it was related to the Raiden family, or else I might be further questioned.

"I lived there as a young child, I would like to feel the nostalgia of returning to my home" I wasn't lying, I just didn't include the 'I wanted to see my best friends again' thing.

"This is not the best time to arrive after Inazumas been in-" He cut himself off. "You know" He returned his view to the sea, I heard a sigh come out of his mouth. I could tell, he could tell it wasn't the full truth.  The view from the ship belonging to Beidou was gorgeous. I had been present on the ship for a few days, and today was a fairly nice one. The sun was shining, and there was a slight chill in the air from being by the sea. 

"I'm aware," I said, after the break-in dialogue. I traced my finger along the side of the boat that I could reach. I was excited yet scared at the same time.

"Anyways, captain Beidou requests your presence in her office. She asked for me to come to get you" He said, walking away. Tap tap tap...

I headed towards Beidou's office and opened the squeaky door, shutting it behind me. Before I could even face Beidou I was questioned.

"Do you have any relationship with the Shogun?" I heard a voice speak, along with a cup of alcohol hitting the table at the perfect moment. I debated with myself for a few seconds before deciding to answer truthfully.

"Yes..?" The words felt weird coming out of my mouth, as I felt sudden guilt hit my stomach.

"This may be a crazy request, but can you please do something about the Vision hunt decree? From what I've received it's been absolute shit there" She said, I finally felt the guilt soften.

I didn't know what to say, I haven't dealt with the decree first hand. But I am hoping that maybe I can really know what's going on, and why Ma- Baal has absorbed herself in the idea of eternity.

"I'm hoping to find the reason for this decree, and hopefully change the mind of the Shogun"

"Thank you for your honesty, my apologies for bothering you. We should be arriving by the late evening. You'll need to register, I'm sure Thoma can assist you." Beidou said, raising her cup to her lips.

"Thank you, your service means very much to me"

"No problem"

I closed the door as I began to see the islands of Inazuma, I forgot how beautiful it was there. The trees looked as pretty and of all sorts of colors, and the grass was as green as ever. I felt the anxious feelings consume me quickly, but a good type of anxiety.

We docked in Inazuma, as I got off of the ship. The views were just breathtaking, Baal has really been taking good care of this place, impressive. Ruling a nation is definitely difficult. I was greeted by a Pyro user named Thoma.

"Greetings traveler, what brings you to Inazuma?" The person said, in quite a friendly tone.

"Nothing interesting," I said.

"Well, in order for you to get to Inazuma we need to first register you as a citizen in Inazuma..." His voice trailed off as he began to give the lady my registration information, I just stood and watched. I agreed with most of the information provided and was greeted with " Welcome to Inazuma. Y/N"

After finding somewhere to stay with the mora I worked for, I departed from Thoma.

"If you are in need of anything, the Yashiro commission is at your service," He said as he left.

I need to get to Inazuma city, soon.

𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨

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Leaving Inazuma was hard, as a young immortal being. Both of my parents were immortal and from Liyue, and just wanted to live normal human lives. But Inazuma was no longer their city of choice, and for my father's job, we had to move back to Liyue...

The leaves were just starting to brown, Autumn skies. A slight chill in the air, as tears streamed down my face. As for I was leaving my entire life behind, my entire world. I couldn't even say goodbye to Makoto & Ei and everyone else. I boarded the ship used to export our family out of Inazuma. I was being led by my mother onto the ship, as she tried to cheer me up. Her soft and approachable words were just feeding my mood. As I waved goodbye to Inazuma, hoping one day I would return.

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