《𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚕 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕》

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Y/N's POV:

"Are you sure this is the place? It looks run down and out-of-place?" I glared at what seemed to be like an old building with windows cracked and wooden boards falling off the windows. But once I realized whatever was behind those windows were blocked by a wall, it made sense.

"This is correct, I've come here a few times." Ei took both my hands, holding them with her own as we faced each other, her palms were incredibly soft.

"I feel that I must warn you about these 'special events', they're very diverse in character. So if you uncomfortable at any point in time, please alert me. Also you forgot your wedding ring..." Ei's attention quickly diverted to my ring finger as she slid it onto my left hand, then letting go of her grasp on my hands.

"I told you I don't understand why normal people do this, and I mean we're far from normal but all you're gonna do is loose this tiny very valuable item!"

"I understand your values and morals, now come on I'm growing impatient. They have good food, and you know very well yourself that my cooking ability is absent."

We walked into the secret venue as absent-minded as one can be, but I just held tight to Ei's wrist.

I was wearing a navy blue dress which was very minimalistic, the dress had layers with shorter cut in the front and long in the back. Which combined with a top that almost looked like Yae's casual outfit, sleeveless and instead fed into the collar. Ei was wearing a slim fit evening gown that was a metallic royal purple, the bodice cut was in a very long V shape with some cleavage.

"Do as you please, if you need anything let me know. But if you ever wanna disappear and want to 'take a break' there's a closet in the back, I'll be around." And she walked off, letting go of my nervous grasp. It must've been urgent, a conversation with my former boss, Morax, perhaps? Or maybe the desserts?

I toddled off myself and found myself enjoying some food, I thought this social event might be good for me since I'm not exactly well known across Teyvant, and I wanted to support Ei. After I finished eating I decided to join Ei in talking to a group of people, she kept gesturing me with her eyes to come over.

I grouped with Ei's very long distance much ghosting friends, I decided that talking doesn't suit me. I filled my thoughts with red wine instead, to distract myself. Until I was face to face with somebody I didn't recognize.

"Who are you? I don't recognize you as a well known figure, new perhaps?"

"Y/N, adeptus from Liyue."

"What's an adeptus from Liyue doing here? This is for higher ups sweet cheeks, you can't be here. I'm not even sure how you got in here or how you knew about this? I haven't even heard of you before. Maybe they only let you in because you have a nice figure, I'm sure we can all agree that you have no right to be here. But if you wanna swing around my place later maybe we can arrange something.." I was so distracted I didn't even see the man reaching for my waist, until I was reminded on how much I love my wife.

Ei swatted the hand by slapping it hard, making the person take their hand back.

"What was that for?! I was only complimenting their figure!"

"I'm the only one who can 'compliment their figure you asshole, now I recommend you leave them alone."

"My god you women are so sensitive"

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