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Y/N's POV:

I was in love with Ei during the Archon War, I loved Ei. How did my brain decide to cut this out? And I don't even know what caused this in the first place. But at least I solved some things, let's see.

I left Inazuma when I was fifteen (in mortal years) to go back to Liyue via a job opportunity for my parents, Ei got upset before I left. As the public image of Inazuma at the time, Makoto was always busy so I almost never saw her. After I left Inazuma the Archon War broke out and my parents disappeared for some random reason, I believe I was in my early 30's. I then served Morax under Liyue with the other Adeptus and fought alongside many brilliant people. I then got reunited with Ei, and our relationship began to form but on a romantic level.

I think I got everything, leaving out the minor details.

Still mesmerized by my previous dream, I touched my lips and almost outlined the area with my own touch. The more and more I get these dreams, the more and more I feel bad that Ei has held this from me for so long. I and Ei are in a romantic relationship, how pleasant. Ah what am I thinking, she probably thinks no such things of me now.

But unfortunately, that was all I could think about for the past several hours, her lips and mine. Ah, gods why am I now thinking this way? Dreams seem to influence my actions in reality.

I picked up a book within the Tenshukaku and began to distract my mind. I traced my fingers down the worn paper as I began reading at my own pace, the paper was rough but delicate. Then another idea came over me, wouldn't it be nice to read outside for once? Sounds pleasant.

I closed the doors to the Tenshukaku and tried to avoid the attention of the guards, I'm still not sure if they knew that was my permanent living quarters for now. I snuck past the guards and made my way just outside of the Tensukaku, sitting down and enjoying what I was reading. The sun was vivid and prominent and the breeze was a little harsh, but nothing less than thousands of years ago. Gosh, I missed it here, I don't ever understand why my parents decided to leave. Such a sight.

I continued reading my book throughout the afternoon, watching the grass sway as I did. The lullaby of the wind, such pleasurable music. This is the most vacation I'll ever get. Dawn then turned to dusk rather quickly when one's mind is in a book.

"And there she stayed." the book ended itself, and just in time for nightfall. And suddenly I had an idea, one from the memories I picked from the tree.

As expected the Shogun had already arrived home and was doing something on the kitchen counter, it seems she didn't notice my entrance. I decided to use this to my advantage and spook her a little, in a nicer way. I approached her from behind, tapping her on the shoulder. I saw her body jump slightly before turning around to face me, she looked relieved. Her hands were gripping onto the counter behind herself, her knuckles seemed to be white.

"Join me outside in 10 minutes, would you?" I said, slipping away to start grabbing things. I proceeded to grab 4 lanterns, placing them to form a large square amongst the soft grass. The warm vibrant color of the flame danced on the blades of grass as I placed each one, then I sat crossing my legs on the dirt. Soon after I sat down I heard faint footsteps in the distance, it was Ei.

She approached me with such a refined matter, I was hoping she remembered.

"Do you remember when we used to lay down in the dirt and stare up at the stars? Before I left" I tried to get her memory working, and it seemed to appear to work. She looked surprised and sat down next to me.

"You remember?"

"Never forgot" I responded, that was partially a lie.

We both gazed at the white dots in the sky, talking as we went.

"I meant to ask, what do you remember from back then?"

"Like the Archon War?"


"I still haven't pieced everything together..." which was the truth. There were still things missing.

"Does anything stand out to you?"

"We were really close, I'd even consider us beyond close"

"Hmm..." She seemed amused.

The small conversation went on, her voice has always been so soothing.

I picked a nearby flower and turned to my right, where Ei was. She began to giggle.


"You've got dirt on your face"

"Oh, whoops"

She reached her hand towards my face, brushing off the dirt.

"And in return to your kind gesture... here you go!" I handed her the flower.

"Well thank you ma'dam" she put the flower with the other ones in her hair.

I started giggling because I soon realized how obnoxious this was, and she did as well.

The moment was fresh, soothing, stress-relieving. The rest of the night went as followed, I and Ei talked about all sorts of things associated with back then the vision hunt decree. I was in love with the light at my fingertips, and love, and her.

"Your touch seems so familiar yet vague"

"It's been a while, my dear"

"Such strange words, such questionable meaning"

"Shhhh, you mustn't question everything, sometimes there's no true meaning. Things happen."

In agreement, we decided to turn in for the night. Such weird words I would've had to use to describe tonight.

She made me feel warm in cozy, yet anxious. Gods, what is feeling, am I falling for an archon again?

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