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Y/N's POV:

I awoke from my dream state, our connection must've triggered a memory of sorts. I opened my eyes to see my perspective as my head lay on her lap. It seems I passed out this time, gods this memories thing is getting out of control. I began to lift my head, which made Ei's focus change.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead" She smiled at me.

"Sorry, this memories thing is getting out of control... hold on a minute"

My brain had just finished processing what had happened, what happened in my memory anyway.

"I get it now, that's why I don't remember anything..." I sat up, holding my head.

"Is everything alright?"

"It all makes sense now!"

I began to explain; "You know that my memories from thousands of years ago have been coming back, but I just realized why I had this issue in the first place an- and what happened. I and you got reunited in Liyue once we realized we were fighting the same battle and began to form a romatic relationship while you were there. After a while, you had to leave due to matters in Inazuma, and we had a few-year gap before we were reunited again in war. But this time while we had gotten close, and then I got a bad head injury which caused me to have temporary memory loss. And why it took so long... because you were the thing to trigger my memories to come back. Not Liyue, Inazuma, Yae Miko, but you. Because I loved you, and these memories were concerning you as well. So even if it was a temporary memory loss, it would've lasted until we had found each other again. I'm sorry if it's a lot, but it makes sense now."

"That is a lot, but I'm glad you've been able to come to your senses."

"Oh how much I missed you, I feel like a whole new person. This is weird, I feel like two different people in one body. One a war general who was apparently really good at shooting a bow, and the wife of Raiden Ei. The soon-to-be Archon with such a passion for desserts."

"Sounds about right" She giggled.

"I sure hope you can accept me for how I present now, even if my personality has changed."

"You're the same person, after all, I love you for who you are" She reassured me.

"I hope I can bring you the same happiness as before, I hope I can make you shine as bright as the sun."

"I'm sure you will. Now, may we finish watching the fireworks?"

"Oh, yes, sorry."


𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - Raidens Perspective

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Ei's POV:

I was finally able to sift through the mist, and all I found was a body without consciousness.

"Y/N!" I came to aid the situation, but unfortunately, they were out. I checked their pulse, there's still something there. Despite the critical conditions, I took their embrace and lifted them into my arms. Picking them up and moving out of the way, looking for a medical assistant.

"Medic!" I yelled across the screams of other warriors. I tried to stay calm, but I was unsuccessful.

"The nearest medical station is beyond the bow division" I heard somebody say, as I rushed towards the walls. I was hoping that myself wouldn't be wiped out as well, but it seems I made it. I snuck through the security and found a small area full of medics, and many injured people.

"I need a medic, I have an injured person of status!" I said, looking around in desperation.

"I can take them, please go fight. We're in serious need of aid, good luck." A person with a cross on their outfit said, a medical symbol of some kind. I was questioning my will to give them up, but in order for their health and safety, I did so. Letting go of their lifeless grasp, and returning beyond the wall. I was stopped by what seemed like somebody in the bow division.

"Hello ma'am, is the general alright?" Somebody asked me from on the wall, looking down.

"I'm unsure, but they're with the medics. Are you in need of a commander?"

"No ma'am, I'm second in command in cases like this. Thank you for your concern, I'll see you on the battlefield." They closed the conversation with a slight bow before shouting muffled commands. I continued my way to engage in combat, something I don't normally do. But soon I was reassured by the geo man himself, Morax.

The last enemy that was present was Osial, and most of our soldiers had fallen or were in the infirmary.

"Interesting, seeing you again," I said in response to Moraxs arrival, getting to higher ground.

"I'm surprised you even conversed with our soldiers, you run an absolute powerhouse in Inazuma." He said, admitting to our somewhat cruel ways.

"Were here to aid, you understand we'll probably rule together soon."

"I agree with your statement, I must help carry this battle, unfortunately. I will converse with you later." And such he picked up a huge rock and basically crushed Osial like a piece of paper, flat.

Once many people were retrieved or deceased I went back to the medical station, hoping for decent news. I was almost immediately recognized and taken to a tent they resided in.

"Would you like to hear the good news or bad news first?"

"Any news is preferred."

"Well, they're in a temporary coma & from what I can see , possibly a memory loss issue with the hippocampus. Luckily the coma is temporary and shouldn't last more than a few days, and memory should be regained with familiar objects or scenarios."

I thanked the medical staff before I was interrupted by somebody I didn't expect to arrive so soon.

"I heard you sent troops here, is that true?" An identical figure to myself entered the tent and sat next to me.

"You are correct, Makoto" I said sorrowfully.

"Is that who I think it is? Gods, it's been years!" She looked into the person's eyes and facial features, not missing a thing.

"You are correct."

"How unfortunate."

"Indeed so, and I would like to request that I stay here until conditions get better."

"You know I can't do that Ei."

I knew I wasn't able to do it either, while running a nation this would be an impossible request.

"I understand your love for them, but I am also in need of your aid. We can visit alright?" Makoto stood up.

"I'll give you a moment outside of the tent, but unfortunately we must depart Liyue. We have other matters to attend to, I hope you understand." Makoto left the medical tent and closed the door behind her, standing outside.

I sighed, looking at them in this soulless state.

"I'll see you soon, I love you darling."

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