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𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - The war, the god

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I was sorting paperwork, what a tiring job for an adaptus, so sorrowful. Sorting contracts was not what I was born to do within this war, even if I'm only here for support. Great, another contract I need to read. I picked it up and read through the contents, nothing interesting. I longed for the battlefield, to do something useful for Morax's success. I was a good leader; I had a vision gifted from Celestia. I had so much to give, yet I'm stuck in an office. I stared at my water-struck fingertips, such power I held. I blew the hair out of my face and got up from my seat. Somebody like me should be doing more, I should be out there.

I approached the throne in which his majesty sat and bowed.

"Permission to speak, Morax" I soon gained his approval and lifted my head.

"Morax, I ask permission to help out on the battlefield sir!" I was nervous, but your majesty would let you know if your proposal wasn't beneficial.

"Why shall I allow you to go out there?" He asked me, he stared at me dead in the eye.

"I feel that my power and talent should be taken advantage of to help you gain a seat in Celestia" I bowed my head once more and expected the outcome to be bad.

"I will allow it, but be careful," he said, forming mora within his palms.

"Thank you for this great privilege, I won't let you down" I bowed once more before leaving and started training immediately.

I wasn't expecting his support, I thought completely that one's request would have a flaw of some kind. Not too long afterward I was already outside, battling gods with other followers. I was living the life of a true adeptus, and it was amazing. Of course, Morax helped as well from time to time, and so on.

One day, I was present near a big body of water. I stared at my reflection furiously and swiped at the water where the reflection of my face would be. I had received an injury prior to the current time and was currently dismissed from my duties. I was supposedly resting, but I couldn't.

I was suddenly on alert towards a minor god making its way towards the harbor, it's heading towards me. Shit. I arose from my current resting place, but I was greeted with pain. I couldn't get away, and we both knew it. At once I was about to accept my fate until I saw a giant flash of lightning, it covered the entire sky with shades of purple. I soon saw a small figure in the distance, it seemed to be fighting the water monster. Thank the gods, I was saved. But I wasn't done yet.

I got into a steady position and drew back my bow, the arrow tip presented my hydro abilities. I aimed my bow for the monster's eye, to hinder its vision. I drew back slightly further before letting go of the arrow, letting it fly across the sky with all sorts of colors. It seemed the arrow hit where I had directed it towards, causing the god to stumble. It seems the lightning possessive figure turned its head towards me from the distance and continued with its work. I tried my best to control the tides around the monster, making it stumble and lose balance.

Soon enough, all I saw was a giant flash of lightning hit the minor water god and all got covered in darkness. I couldn't see a thing; dust consumed my vision. Soon enough some cleared, and the god had perished, but instead, I found a person standing in front of me.

It was somebody I was familiar with; somebody I hadn't seen in several years.

"Ei...?" I called quietly from the vortex of dust; the figure looked shook. Within what seemed like the speed of light I felt sudden weight added to my body. The dust clears quickly to reveal Ei's arms wrapped around me, her head resting on my shoulder. I had found my lost friend, my lost best friend. The person I cherished the most was finally back with me, within my grasp.

I returned the hug given by Ei, tightly. After a few minutes, our physical contact had ended.

"You don't know how much I missed you," she said under her breath.

"I missed you too" A smile came across both of our faces.

We were both found sitting next to the shore, glancing at the water.

"How are you doing? How's Inazuma?" I asked, making eye contact with her once more.

"I and Makoto are fine, and Inazuma is as beautiful as ever,"

"I can imagine it now, the trees in full bloom. The lanterns glowing with such embrace it could light up the sky. The sakura's blossoms fall down the mountain, I must be missing so much. I promise I'll come with you someday, and I'll be of service" I smiled once more, her smiles were contagious.

"It's exactly as you have imagined, but I must return a question. What have you been doing all this time here in the land of Morax?"

"For a while I was in business with my parents, helping serve Morax with his duties. Before the war, my parents disappeared suddenly, and I haven't seen them since. I am currently working under Morax directly and guiding other adeptus, helping make the geo god's life easier"

"Hmmm, sounds pleasant"

She leaned her head upon my shoulder, shifting her weight onto me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, as in to return the gesture.

"Please don't leave again."

"I promise I won't, never again"

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