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𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - The man with fire

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It was another day in the presence of the god, my favorite god, my god. Except today was different, today was war. I awoke to the sounds of buildings and souls falling, an attack at this hour? I must admit it was smart, but I'm trying to sleep. I sat up in my bed, trying to be quiet as to not be heard. I wasn't exactly supposed to be out like this, it wasn't my duty. But somebody's got to do something, right.

I quickly got myself undressed and put on my battle attire and tied up my hair like I usually do. With just a flick of my wrist, my bow and arrows had appeared. I rushed to the roof of the said building I resided in, I was prepared to see a giant monster like Osial. But instead, I was greeted with a smaller person, who seemed to be wielding some sort of fire element.

I first started by shooting an arrow near the person's foot, as if to give them a warning. They seemed startled and looked up at the roof, I tried to get out of their field of vision by backing up quite a bit.

"Hey, I know you're out there!" They said in an aggressive tone, looking around to see if anyone was directly nearby.

I drew back my bow and shot them in the foot as a second warning sign, as soon as the arrow came in contact with human skin, I swear I could hear sizzling. Like water sizzling when it touches something too hot, seems I have an advantage after all.

"Ahh great," they said, grabbing ahold of the arrow I shot and pulled it out of their foot. The arrow tip tinted with blood.

"Just come out already, would you? I have a very busy schedule!" They seemed furious, at this point I doubted if anyone was going to come to my aid.

I watched once again as the water gathered around my arrow, but instead it was 3 arrows. I shot at an angle in order to get the shots in the spot I wanted, torso, leg & foot. Before I knew it, I had been spotted, and if I didn't want this building to burn down, I had to get down as quickly as possible. And of course, no actually sane person would do this, but I'm not sane.

I loaded my bow and jumped off the side of the building, attempting to shoot the person in the head. Before going into a diving position and splashing into the water below me, the water wasn't happy and slapped back at me.

I shot back up, getting out of the water and loading my arrows.

"It's gonna take more than that to kill me," they said, forming fire within their hand and shooting at me with continuous fireballs. I dove left but unfortunately got brushed with one on my shoulder, I felt a slight burning piercing my skin.

This person was obviously more powerful than me, or so I thought. I was screwed, this person could get me with one fireball to the heart and I was done for. I fired once again, aiming for the heart, and more sizzling filled my ears.

I had the ocean at my disposal, take advantage of your surroundings they always said. But I had to get him by the shoreline, it might work. I ran around the building and hid, then peaking on the other side of the building and shooting near the shoreline. Letting the arrow fall into the sand, sinking. The suspicious person began walking towards it, great. I soon sped through the trees, hearing the whistling behind my ears. Shhh shhh shhh

I shot another arrow, hitting the person's head before dropping my bow onto the ground.

"Please work please work please work" I whispered under my breath, as I began to raise both sides of the sea that the piece of land was in between. I could feel my vision getting into use, water seemed to be flowing in my veins. The sea was heavy as if I were lifting up two tsunamis to crash into each other. And that's what happened.

Once I let go of the sea it began flushing out anything in its path, I climbed up a tree. It seemed my plan had worked, in return, the water sucked up the suspicious person like a vacuum. The water continued to flood its way over to me, but no further. I watched as the water returned with the sea, taking everything with it. I watched as the water receded, and my arms and legs gave out. Apparently, all of my energy had been drained, as I barely made it back to where I slept.

Apparently, at some point, Ei had woken up, as I was greeted by her as soon as I entered. She was holding a fire-lit lantern; it was still as dark as night.

"Is everything alright? I noticed you were gone" she said, standing up from the place she sat. She looked concerned, but soon my legs collapsed as I reached to lean onto a wall. Ei caught me mid-fall, helping me get up.

"I don't know," I said weakly, I felt fragile. I hated this, relying on other people to help me. I hated worrying people.

"Come on, let's get you back to bed hm?" She soon picked me up bridal style and lifted me onto my bed. The softness of the pillows and blankets was welcoming.

"You seem awfully tired, tell me what happened in the morning." She said, kissing my forehead, her lips against my skin. She got up and left me to rest, she silently closed the door. I fell asleep as soon as she did, my body falling apart of tiredness. I had been drained of all energy to function, which was disappointing. But I did take out a god with my bare hands.

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