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Ei's POV:

Our small get together had come to an end as the night grew longer, we had long enjoyable conversations about the future and the present. By the time we had finished they were almost in a slumber, and our conversations had ended.

"Let's go back to the Tenshukaku, you seem awfully tired" I suggested, raising my head from their lap.

"I'm sorry" They apologized, blinking in order to wake themselves up.

I fixed my position to sit in front of them on my knees, taking my hand and holding their face.

"No more unnecessary apology's" I said, brushing the small strands of hair out of their face.

"I'll try" they said, removing my hand from their face and holding it between their cold fingers.

I released from the handheld and stood up, holding my hand out for them to stand up as well. They took it, standing up from their tiring sitting stance.

"The Tenshukaku isn't that far from here, you'll sleep soon" I reassured them, taking their hand once more and leading them out of the shrine. We walked along the road of lies and made our way to the Tenshukaku after a few moments.

"Come we're almost there" I held their hand tighter the closer we got to my home, where I was currently hosting them. I secretly wished that road would go on for eternity.

"You know the entirety of Inazuma thinks we're together, hm?" They finally spoke, their lips slightly parted.

"Is it making you uncomfortable?" I asked, stopping at the door of the Tenshukaku. I faced them directly, taking their other hand and holding it.

"I'm more worried about you, I'm some simple adepti and you're a god. Personally, I don't have much popularity amongst the folk, but you're known across Teyvet. I don't mind, but do you want to be associated with me who has not even close to an equal status?"

"Status has never mattered to me and it never will, I can assure you that. Please don't worry on how Teyvet looks back at me, I may be a god but in truth I am no different than you and I really hope that doesn't make you think of me like I am higher than you"

"I'm sorry"

"Didn't I tell you to stop apologizing?"

I was pulled into a hug; I felt their warm embrace of the tips of their fingers slide across my back. I wrapped my arms around them as well, resting my head on their shoulder. Once I picked my head, I felt their lips touch my cheek, as I also felt my emotions start to show.

"Please get some sleep, see you tomorrow" I smiled and waved once our bodies had parted, I was still expected to have a conversation with Miko about something. They waved back as I continued my way back to the Sakura.

"I'm here, Miko" I said, as I stood around the Sacred Sakura tree.

"Welcome, welcome" she said, ever since I've known her, she's been very composed and professional.

"You wanted to converse about something?"


She led me inside of the building where she seemed to reside and sat down on her knees. I followed suit and sat down across from Miko.

"You are aware their memories are coming back, right?" She started the conversation on an interesting note.

"I made my assumptions" I responded.

"They're gonna figure it out soon enough, how are you going to respond to that?" Miko asked, it seemed as if she was setting me up.

"I'm sure I will respond appropriately once time comes"

"I'm sure you will, the feeling is mutual hm?" She set up this sentence like a question, Miko being Miko.

"What feeling?"

"You guys obviously act like you're together, the entirety of Inazuma knows it" they said something like that earlier, I tried to stay composed in this scenario, but it was awfully difficult.

"Is that so?" I said, trying to stop my face from getting heated.

"You know it, but you don't seem to mind" She lifted her hand and swept a few strands of hair out of her face.

"I would also like to mention that it's nice to see you out of the Plane of Euthymia, you've been there for decades. It's nice to see you again" Miko wasn't wrong, it's been hundreds of years.

"Has it been that long?"

"Very much so, I'll have to catch you up another time" She began to get up, so I assumed the conversation was near its end.

"I'm happy that your relationship is working towards a happy ending" She nodded before escorting me out.

Once again, I was present at the Tenshukaku, trying to be quiet as to not wake them. I closed the main door and made my way to my room where I slept. It's been a while since I slept in this bed, too long. I undressed oneself and put on some more comfortable clothing, then fell asleep on a bed of forgotten things.

I'm really hoping that the memories don't change their opinion of me, even if our relationship was different from now.

I want to spend my eternity with them, no matter what it takes.

Y/N's POV:

Today was a jumble of emotions, so many I couldn't keep track. My relationship with the shogun seemed to be slowly turning into another type of relationship, and I couldn't resist that. This memory recovery stuff seems to be revealing even more of my past that I don't even remember, I worked under Morax for a while? I have to admit that I didn't really know nor pay attention to that period of time in my life, but I would've never guessed I worked under such an important god in our society, what an honor. And what a thing to forget, is this problem just me pushing away things or is there a bigger issue that went on.

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