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Y/N's POV:

"Are you sure?" She said I could tell my current tense mood was affecting her. Her body language read that she was also quite tense. Ei had an herbal disinfectant available to disinfect my very generous wound created by the Raiden Shogun, Ei's replacement for the previous Archon. Well, if I know anything about disinfectants, they hurt worse than the wound itself. And Ei was willing to disinfect it for me, even though I'm completely capable of doing it for myself.

"The longer we wait to put the disinfectant on my wound the tenser I'm going to get," I said, determined that if she didn't do it soon, I would just take the bottle from her hand and apply it myself. She finally applied the disinfectant to my left leg. I tried my best not to pull away, kick, swear or cry. But I knew she was trying her best to calm me, so I tolerated the pain. After she wrapped my leg in bandages and I was set, besides my dying hunger.

Later she brought in some quote on quote 'cooked' eggs, they were far from cooked perfectly. One egg looked almost entirely brown, and the other looked almost black. Ei was never good at cooking, but she tried her best. In a fit of hunger, I ate her overcooked eggs, but at least I wasn't hungry.

"Thanks," I said, lifting up my fork one last time. She smiled at me, a smile I haven't seen in ages.


𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - Vision

Successfully unlocked.



It was raining, pouring even. It sounded as if the world was crashing. The trees swayed; the wind was brutal. The rustling of the leaves, the fallen branches. As if you were stuck in the storm of someone's thoughts, mind, & sound.

"You said you needed to address something?" Ei said, standing in the rain, her hair dripping wet. She looked both wet and dry like her hair was the only thing that seemed saggy. Her posture was very professional, despite the horrible weather brought to Inazuma.

"I'm leaving Inazuma for a while, unfortunately," I shouted against the storm. I could tell the lightning of my words struck her, hard. Her facial expression and stance completely changed, angry yet sad.

"Why? Why must you leave Inazuma?"

"I don't know, I think it's for my parents to work under the Geo God or something," I said, I couldn't hold in the tears.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because I didn't know how you would respond, leaving so suddenly"

The rain raised and so did our voices, our disagreement grew louder as were the trees falling.

"I can't pick and choose where I'm going, why can't you accept that!"

"Why can't you just be happy for me!?"

I shouldn't have said that, and I was fully aware of that. The storm was brutal now, it almost seemed to get worse as so did Ei's emotions. It was finally time when I was fed up and began walking away, the rain slashed and splashed as I took only a few steps. And soon, a glowing item began to consume me, maybe not physically but I felt different. I realized that I now possessed a vision, a hydro one. One to represent my justice, but I wasn't feeling faithful at all. I even felt worse than it was right in front of my best friend before I left. She saw my vision and she ran away, away from me. It felt as if it was treated over guilt and sorrow. So, I took it off my hip and trusted it into the mud, but it never left me.


Y/N's POV:

I finished my meal with the tea from earlier, I hope she knows how much I appreciate the gesture. I also learned that Ei's home is called the Tenshukaku, she told me while I was eating.

"I appreciate you hosting me. It's been too long." I said, I felt a small smile drag across my face.

"We should go places again like we used to!" I tried to stay optimistic, but I couldn't seem to get past the fact that Ei, the person I had such a relationship with, had enforced such a decree. Such a decree that so many people wanted to leave this nation, I couldn't stand it.

I hold my opinions and she held hers, it's not an appropriate time to bring it up.

"Are you doing anything today?" I asked her, expecting a minimalistic response.

"Hmm. I believe I'm heading to the market today. And I want some cake from the local cake shop, the same one from a while ago"

"So, you never lost your appetite for desserts?" I chuckled. When we were little, Ei would tell me about all of the desserts that she wanted to try from different nations. One of the ones I remember is Tea Break Pancakes from Monstadt, although it wasn't necessarily classified as a dessert food, I heard they were delicious.

"I would never," she said, chuckling.

"If I ever go back to Liyue or Monstadt, I'll get some recipes next time I visit" I offered, she seemed content.

Soon enough Ei left me with my thoughts. I didn't know what to do with this leg problem I currently possessed, I can't really go anywhere. But there is probably somewhere I must go, the pharmacy. Or some sort of doctor, except I have no money. So, I'd have to wait until Ei was back to get some mora to pay for the services of a professional. Usually, I'd be able to go straight to Bubu pharmacy, but I'm not in Liyue anymore.

Well, I had loads of time to kill I decided to work on cleaning up Ei's home, it looks like she hasn't been here in ages. I'm not a big fan of cleaning, but it's the least I can do for Ei's kindness.

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