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Y/N's POV:

Each day seemed to bring something new and different to me and the Shoguns relationship, this was our blossoming reunion. Each plant in the garden blossoms with such beauty, and this was ours.


𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - Yae's Introduction

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Today was slightly different than usual, I was sent to be on break for the next week due to minor injuries I sustained during my last encounter. I felt fine, so I decided to spend the day with my most recent visitor; a god.

One of the staples of Liyue was its most famous flower, Glazelilies. The ones that Morax cherishes so much, such gorgeous things. Blessings of the land, then my connection to reality set in.

"Are you alright?" Ei had consumed my vision, waving at my face to make sure I was responsive.

"Yes, thank you. I must have spaced out, I appreciate your concern. Continue our stroll?"

"Mhm!" she grabbed my hand once more and led me through the field of flowers, Ei was walking slightly in front of me, guiding me. We occasionally stopped to look at the flowers, I admired the touch of the petals. The texture was smooth and wet, the fold was perfectly placed directly in the center of the delicate masterpiece.

This time we were stopped to admire the Glazelilies, then I heard a rustling sound come from the field. Ei and I stood up from our crouched position and watched as something scrambled through the assortment of plants. The animal seemed to find it's towards the path that I and she were on, exiting the labyrinth of flowers.

"Yae? What are you doing here"

A small light pink fox came into my view, shaking its head.

"Did you really think that one would let their deity get out of sight?"

I and Ei sat on the ground next to the fox, our hands still intertwined.

"Yes, does Makoto know I'm here?" the god asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Not that I'm aware of" the fox shook its head again.

"That's a relief, I'm sure if she knew I was here I would be scolded for being unprofessional" she giggled slightly.

"You would be of most correct madame" the small fox envoy sat in a composed position.

"Would you like to join us on our walk?" Ei purposed, patting the animal on the head.

"It would be most pleasurable" the envoy seemed calm and collected.

I stood up and Ei followed suit.

"Shall we continue?"

"We shall"

Surprisingly the fox which I rather learned went by the name Yae Miko, didn't interfere with me and Ei's affair. Instead, it watched from afar.

Our 5th stop of the day was a Glazelilie that hadn't bloomed yet, Ei seemed curious of its current state.

"Why hasn't this one bloomed?"

"Well in order for Glazelilies to bloom, they must be sung to"

"Ah how wonderful, how unique!" she put her hands together.

"Do you want to give it a try?" I suggested.

"It would be such an accomplishment" I heard her clear their throat.

She hummed a melody that I remembered, one that was native to Inazuman culture. One of my favorites.


"I'm sorry I got your hopes up" for whatever reason the flower didn't bloom.

"It's alright, just disappointing" she looked depressing that things didn't turn out how she'd liked.

"May I make it up to you?" I requested.

She nodded, I got closer towards her face before her finger touched my lips.

"Shhh" she pointed towards a sleeping Yae in a tree.

I nodded going into her mouth, such a nostalgic touch between two people in love. I'd read many instances like this in books, but with a different context. These people aren't in a war, these people aren't with a deity, these people aren't two women. But who said it couldn't be?

Once we had both pulled away Ei's expression lit up, I looked over at what she was so excited about. The flower had bloomed right before our eyes, the beauty of such flowers had been now in our memories.

"So does Baal know about this?" Yae had caught us in the act.

"Not exactly..." her voice trailed off.

"I'll keep quiet, don't worry" Yae reassured her.

"Are you not supposed to be here?" I asked, hoping I didn't do something concerning or risky.

"It's more like gods don't normally participate in love affairs, not that it's forbidden. More like uncommon."

"Well, then we'll just have to be the first, hm?"

"Sounds like a challenge to me"


Present time

"Yae Miko..?" I called out once I raced up the unbearable steps up to the shrine, I began looking for the infamous pink-haired refined lady.

"You called?" I say her peek around the wall before revealing herself, in her usual attire.

"It's all coming back to me, I and Ei were together. And you, you're a fox envoy and to be more specific you're Ei's fox envoy. There are so many things I have yet to understand, but I see what you mean now. And it would be well said to say it's very possible that not all of my memories will return, but now I understand why I was so connected to Inazuma. I'm beginning to understand my purpose here."

"Congratulations, I'm happy that you feel accomplished. Have you talked to her about it yet?"

"I haven't gotten to that part yet, it pains me to think of she's had to keep this all from me. I still don't understand what caused my memories to collapse, but it must've been rough on her to leave me" I responded.

"I'm sure she wants to talk to you as well, you should do what you fit is best" Yae Miko walked away before I could say anything.

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