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𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - Recovering

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I awoke to chatter and soreness, it seems that last night was still effecting me. I pushed away the covers, and sat up. I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight that flooded the room, my entire body felt droopy. I groaned at the sight of my bedroom, pushing away the covers enough to sit up on the side of my bed.

I planted my feet onto the floor then using the rim of my mattress to hoist my body up, it worked. I made my way up towards the door and turned the knob, suddenly the door swung wide open and scaring me half to death in the process. I think I was putting a little too much weight onto the door when I opened it, this entire energy-draining thing is incredibly annoying.

I seemed to walking fine, with my feet tied to chains. At least that's what it felt like. I made my way towards the small kitchen area I had in my home, cooking definitely wasn't my strong suite but it was sure nice to have a home-cooked meal.

"Good morning" I was seen by Ei sitting on the coach, she seemed to be reading a book of sorts.

"Morning" I said, looking to see what I had in my cupboards.

"Everyone's talking about what happened last night, I hear people discovering a floating body in the water. Others say there was water damage to some of the buildings, but they all agree on one thing." She said, looking up from her book.

For dramatic effect she closed the book, staring me into the eyes.

"The body was from a god of sorts, one that seemed to be hunting Morax for a while now. I think it's awfully convenient that this is the night you choose to leave, did you have something to do with it?" Her stare was scarring, and she was very much scaring me.

"Seems like you know the answer yourself already" I said, trying to avoid her gaze.

I took an apple and just bit into it enough to tear the skin, sinking my teeth into the soft center.

"You killed a god? Quite surprising" She said, getting up from where she was sitting. Her hands falling to her sides gracefully, as a god does.

"I didn't do too much damage, I am a simple Adepti. I do nothing compared to you gods, I just- you know-"

I sighed, feeling my breath slip away.

"Defended this area, that's all..." I said, my voice trailing off.

I turned 180 degrees and began looking for spices that I might be low on, also trying to distract myself with the incoming response from Ei. I suddenly felt something grab my waist, and hugging me from behind.

"Are you alright? You seem to be unsteady all morning, did you get injured at all?" She whispered into my ear, I noticed her warm breath against my ear.

"No, I'm completely fine" I said, I insisted to not pull away from her.

"You need to stop worrying about me you know? I'll be fine" Ei released her arms from me, but continued to stand over me.

"Well if your so sure, then I'll check myself" She said, rolling down my sleeve. I quickly pushed it back up my shoulder, what is she doing.

"Ah see, you lied to me" She must've found the spot on my shoulder where I got burnt, ah shoot. I tried to cover it up again with my shirt, I was quite embarrassed.

"Come, you must treat you injury. Your spices can wait, now go into the bedroom and sit" She stood up straight and walked towards the bathroom, she was probably getting some sort of herbal healer.

I got onto my bed and sat facing the end of the bed, I sat with my legs crossed waiting for her to come back.

She walked into the room and sat behind me on the bed, Ei began to unbutton the back of my shirt in order to reach the burn. I held the wrapped my arms around my chest in order to cover possibly exposed areas, holding up the shirt. I soon felt her cold finger touch my back, possibly applying some sort of cream. Her touch was soothing, but also made me uncomfortable that she was making me expose my back.

"I apologize, that was quite awkward" She said, beginning to button my shirt back up.

"It's fine, you were just watching out for me hm?" I said, releasing my grasp on my chest.

I turned my body around 180 degrees to face Ei, ah how gorgeous must a god be...

"Is everything alright?" then I re-grasped onto reality, realizing I had spaced out.

"Ah yes, my apologies I must've spaced from reality" I lifted my head to see her lips. She must have been wearing a gloss of sorts, shiny...

And this would be when oneself did something unexpected, as I lifted my lips towards hers. Our mouths collided together, as if they were two pieces of one whole. I suddenly felt complete, the part of me that I had been missing was filled. She was welcoming as I felt the warm sides of her mouth against my tongue, she tasted of strawberry's.

I finally acknowledged what I had done and pulled away quickly, wiping my mouth before covering my mouth via my hands.

"My apologies I don't know what came over me I-"

I was pulled into her grasp once more, crashing together. It seemed as if she was giving me approval from her soft glossy lips, her body, her ears, her eyes. It felt perfect, majestic, amazing. I longed for this moment for years, the moment when things changed. The moment I felt that time could stop, and this was the time.

Once our lips had parted she pulled me into a hug, as she whispered in my ear so soft I don't think Morax could hear.

"I love you too..."

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