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Y/N's POV:

I exited the doctors' office with a sort of cream and pills, I wasn't familiar with these medicines. But who knows, I haven't been present in Inazuma in many years. I walked up to the desk and began to get out of my wallet.

"I have some change-"

Ei's hand quickly brushed my hand away from my pocket, denying my offer of payment for the service provided. For that split second, Ei's hand felt soft and warm. Like the sun was described in one touch, one act of movement. I closed my wallet quietly, hearing the button snap, and lifting my hand back to my side

Ei held out a handful of Mora, placing each coin down one by one. Counting to the exact amount specified in currency and sliding it towards the lady at the desk.

"We are appreciative of your presence at our service," The lady said, taking the coins and putting them somewhere below the desk. With my current stance, I wasn't able to see exactly where.

"Thank you," she said before walking out back onto the streets of where she led. From her interactions with the receptionist, she's either well respected or well feared. This is probably caused by her current public identity crisis, Ei & The Raiden Shogun. Makoto's replacement... I feel in many ways, Makoto's death will never leave me. Even if we fell apart, she meant something to me. And Ei does more, I can't lose her too. And she can't lose me.

"I presume they gave you something to speed up the healing process?" Ei turned to look at me. I took a brief second to acknowledge her flowing hair, although always tied in a braid.

"I sure hope so, I'm not familiar with this medication. But I'm also not in Liyue, so I don't know any basic medical herbal properties in Inazuman plants. So, I can't say much regarding this" I handed her the pills in a small bottle, and the cream provided as well.

"It must be useful, I've been here for many decades, and they are the best when it comes to medicines and herbs," she said, handing me the bottles back into my possession.

As we walked, the sun was setting. It was late in the day, and time for the sun to rest. As darkness flooded, revealing the beauty of the night, the stars, the lights.

"There is something I must show you," Ei said, grabbing my wrist. She was walking at a fairly fast pace, across the sidewalks and streets. She continued leading me to a hill, with trees of all sorts. The darkness had completely caressed the sky, little white dots of light showing through the harsh black.

"Come," she said, looking down beyond the hill. And there it was, one of the things I missed most of all. Seeing Inazuman lights at night, were in some ways better than the Lantern Rite in Liyue. Soft light, the color of the sun, hitting every surface it came across. Leaves from all sorts of trees fall onto the guided paths.

"Somethings never change," I said, my eyes glazing over every texture and lightened up the lanterns.

"Eternity brings me this," she said, brushing her hair behind her ear. Our hands soon intertwined with one another; her grasp was soothing almost.

"I'm not going anywhere" I reassured her, re-grasping her hand tighter, that was when a new feeling developed. An emotion that no alchemist, no human or God alike being could ever understand completely. Something that I will never truly, and fully understand. Even if my presence in this world is beyond many.

A few days have passed since that night, but the image was still present in my mind. The soft glow of the streets of where I belonged, where I wanted to stay.

Over the past several days I have taken time to complete commissions from people as a decent form of income. My leg injury has been healing quickly when accompanied by the medication I was provided with previously. I'm now in decent condition and can perform multiple tasks, but this task was one I wasn't prepared for.

Now that I had access to Mora, I was able to buy all sorts of items all around Inazuma.

"Thank you for your service," The employee said, as I handed in my payment. I continued my way through the many stores and found one that stood out to me. A textiles and kimonos store, one from when I was little. Often children inherit and take over stores once their parents pass on, many don't make it longer than a few hundred years. But this one had lasted for many; the nostalgic feeling was welcoming.

I made my way to the statue being built of the Shogun, all those visions that people have lost. A constant reminder of how horrible these acts are, and why my best friend was enforcing them was still a mystery to me. But why was the Shogun there, and why so many guards? What was going on?

I made my way over to get a closer look, and there was he. The person who had helped me, very illegally, cross the border to get into Inazuma. Thoma. Thoma had been captured by the Shogun and was being held against his will. All for a vision. This hunt decree sickens me.

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