《𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕》

754 18 12

Y/N's POV:

I was aroused by an aggressive shaking, the first thought I had was a possible earthquake. Although I wasn't greeted by your usual earthquake, I was met with Ei trying to wake me up.

"What..?" I whined, definitely not a morning person. Using the palms of my hands I hoisted myself up, leaning against the bed frame.

"We have an important meeting to attend, I don't want either of us to be late" She walked around towards the entrance of our room, before I sprang out of bed in desperation. I heard our bedroom door close almost silently as I struggled to get dressed in my somewhat formal attire, Ei was waiting for me beyond the corridor.

"Can we please stop for some breakfast at least?" I asked, before being enthusiastically teleported away from the kitchen. I found it odd that we were in such a rush at the later morning, most meetings are usually at 7am or earlier, currently it's 10am. But instead this was not a meeting, rather an appealing gesture.

Ei's teleportation streak has finally ended and we arrived at.. a botanical shop?

"I think you have the wrong place, the meeting room is over there." I gestured with my eyes, we're guaranteed late by this irrelevant stop.

"I know, now come along." She waved for me to follow her, and that's what I did. Sometimes I forget how it is complicated walking in high heels, my feet ache.

Entering the shop was a plant heaven, everything I could ever want, within my grasp.

"You can pick out as many you'd like, whatever sticks out to you." Ei offered, getting out her wallet to see how much coinage she brought along.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I said very enthusiastic, giving her slight kiss on the cheek.

"But why? Do you think we need greenery in the house?" I asked quietly, I felt awfully foolish in such fancy clothing to end up attending a plant shop.

"Do you not remember?" She looked at me with a suspicious look, was I missing something? Another time my memory has failed me.

"I genuinely don't, is it something to do with the past? You know that only within recent years has my past memories been put to use. Wait..." My voice trailed off, what was today? I stood there pondering for a few moments, pacing around.

"Is it because of my birthday?" I asked, looking back up at Ei and her silent stare.

"You're telling me I know when your birthday is, but you don't know your own?" She put a heavy emphasis on 'your birthday' and 'you', additionally giggling at my inconvenience.

"I've had thousands of birthdays, I've far exceeded the amount of mortal birthdays. They're mostly celebrated as simple days, so it's kinda loss importance to me." I admitted, and this was true. The amount of birthdays I've had since I've been created was far too many, I believe I've had more than three thousand birthdays, I wish I was exaggerating. Gods I'm old.

"Well, why don't we celebrate all of them today." Ei smiled before encouraging me to look around, pushing me ever so slightly.

The walls and ceiling were covered with plants, from dendrobium to otogi trees, potted flowers to hanging vines, shades of blues and pinks and greens. A plant emporium, the heaven of leaves, flocks of flowers. I roamed around the greenery, brushing leaves of different plants with my soft fingers. Ei was wondering around herself, as enthusiastic as Ei can be about plants. Although her facial expressions have spread across and softened her face, she still looks as bland as stone.

"Found any plants interesting?" I popped my head up to look over Ei's shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of her view.

"What plant is this?" She pointed at a small white flower with long white petals, I knew this species from my travels in Mondstadt.

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