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Y/N's POV:

The previous day had passed, and I had already made up my mind on where I was going next in my life. The recent news of The Resistance had inspired me to travel into Watatsumi Island and help the resistance fight off against the Tenryou commission, it was somewhere I could be, somewhere I was born to be, the battlefield. My recent memory recollections had been an influence as well, I seemed to do well in war.

"What are you doing?" It seems Ei had entered the room without me noticing, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"I'm going to aid in the Resistance, figured it would be a good next step in my life." I looked up from my packed bag, with very few items in it.

''Are you still joining me tonight?"

"I'll be leaving the following morning, I'm sure it'll be a nice break for you, hm?"


"Are you alright?"

"I'm just not sure that it's a good idea for you to go back into war again" she finally spoke, her expression was completely different. She looked depressed.

"Why? I lived through the Archon war, besides this is a civil war, not the entirety of Teyvant."

"I'm not sure how much you know, but you just barely lived through that foolish war. I just don't want the same thing to happen again, I want you to be safe" She seemed to be holding something back.

"I'll be fine, I'm an Adeptus capable of keeping myself alive. I'm not leaving because of you, I hope you know that."

"I'm aware, well I'll leave you to that. Meet me at 8 outside of the Tenshukaku, the fireworks are tonight." She closed the door.

I suddenly felt this feeling of dread, like I had done something wrong. She was obviously holding back on telling me something,  but I wouldn't know.

I had decided to wear a simple dress for the fireworks, I wasn't sure if this event was considered formal but I might as well wear what I please. This was my last day in this part of Inazuma, for now anyway.

I left my hair down as it was usual for me, I didn't like putting my hair up often. It makes my head hurt, but it looks nice.

I did the minimum to everything else, I still wanted to look presentable.

It was almost dark, probably around 8 pm. I met up with the gorgeous goddess waiting for me outside, the one and only.

"There you are, might I say you look nice"

"I send the same message back to you"

"May we set off?"

"We shall"

I and Ei set off to wherever she desired, I wasn't sure where she was leading me to but I followed along anyway. We took unexpected shortcuts in order to not be seen, then we arrived at a small mountaintop.

"This is, in my opinion, the best spot in Inazuma to watch the fireworks" She looked out onto the landscape in front of us, then back at me.

We both sat down onto the dark grass that absorbed the mountain, letting the weight of our bodies lay against it.

Just then, as if to be timed perfectly, the fireworks began setting off. One by one the beautiful burst of colors filled my view, such intricate details to each one. Almost like flowers blooming in the sky, except noisier and smelled like gunpowder.

Ei seemed mesmerized, she hadn't seen them in many years after all. Her eyes had a whole separate expression, they seemed to represent the fireworks that filled her eyes with such glory.

Her face was just as gorgeous, it was all glorious.

"There's something I believe would be best addressed while bathing under the colors of the sky" I started, realizing how ridiculous the idea was now.

"May I ask what that is?"

"I see with new eyes, I see what we used to be. My memories have shown me who we really are together, two pieces of one whole. Separated by war and consequence, and I wish to give you myself, the same self during the war. Even if these memories were from 2,000 years ago, the feelings are the same"

"It felt like three times as long as it did to see you again, and to touch you the same way"

"All I ask is for you to see me with the same eyes as you used to"

"I do"

And, all those times I and Ei had connected in ways lovers do. I had only experienced through dreams and memories that I held within my head, but this time it was real. This time I had really experienced what a kiss felt like, our mouths had fit perfectly together. Her tongue swirled with mine as if we had become one. I wish it could've lasted forever, as for it lasted forever until I was able to touch her again. I didn't want to let her go.

Then all of the puzzle pieces had fallen into place, the reason why I hadn't seen Ei in centuries.

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