《𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎》

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A/N: The reason why this scene is called 'Predictions For The Future' is that non of these events are to be confirmed, rather based on theories I myself have on future lore within Teyvant. If lore ends up turning a different direction I will not be rewriting this scene, this is more of a free write than anything else.

Quick TW/CW: Mentions of $u1c1de & heavy implications of death, war violence and graphic descriptions, imprisonment & sad topics. Please read at your own risk.

I sat in a chair on the balcony of the Tenshukaku, legs crossed and holding a wine glass of champagne. Today was a day of celebration, for me & Ei anyway. We had predicted this event ourselves several years ago, and it was finally happening. This is the end of Teyvant as we know it, and I can't say I didn't hate this world either. Quite cruel people, and very cruel reasoning. I look at a sip of my drink, then continued to hold it with my fingers between the stem of the glass. Watching as the alcohol swirled around in the cup, the bubbles rose to the top gasping for air.

This war was prepared for after the Traveler finally made their way to Snezynya, and I guess a switch was flipped. After a little bit of digging, we were able to figure out the Abyss Order's real motives. Destroying Teyvant, although any further motives were unclear within my years of life. We knew that much, and part of Inazuma prepared for war. When our neighboring country by sea, Liyue, was attacked we plotted the order the attacks were in and predicted their next move, which was in fact correctly guessed.

Ei was soon joining me from the above watch of hell, as she herself was the ruler of Inazuma.

"Quite a ruckus, but now I can see more clearly the current events." She sat down with her own champagne glass, watching the war from below.

"We're quite lucky to be secure up here, but I'm sure that won't be long. I'd rather die in battle than be bombed in my own home." Ei chuckled at my remark, although she knew how I felt already.

"Then why don't you go aid our committee?"

"I'm waiting for something."

I was in fact waiting for an appearance of the Traveler themselves along with their sibling, the officiates.

"You want to make a flashy entrance, why don't you?"

"I will of course, but I won't be the only person participating in this suicide mission."

"So you're waiting for my approval?"

"You're coming to."

I wasn't going to die alone, I and Ei had already planned this beforehand. We'll do our super flashy attack, then die at the hands of the Abyss Order. More well planned than other nations, many surrendered while others fought to the end. They took the long insufferable path, so we may as well be obligated to take the easy one.

"Cheer up dear, this won't take long." She tried to raise my spirits, but I wasn't scared. I have faced death before, they weren't as scary as mortals think they appear. With a scythe & cloak, instead death was darkness. Death was a thing that would swallow you up, like a giant never ending hole.

"It won't be too painful, am I correct?" She asked, it seems that she was having issues trying to calm her own nerves.

I didn't respond, I wasn't sure. I believe it would depend on how quickly you'd die, but that wasn't predetermined.

We watched as dead bodies scattered the ground, some were recognizable well others were a blur. The sounds of war were inevitable, screams of terror with clashing of weaponry. It was never a pretty sight, it was far more violent than the Inazuman Civil War. It was almost a repeat of the Archon War, instead of providing thrones to those who were worthy they're being taken away or relinquished. With Makoto's death being many, many years ago there was no rightful archon to Inazuma besides a hallow puppet and her puppeteer.

I moved to sit on the railing of the balcony that occupied me and my wife, keeping an eye out like a predator out for its prey.

"Got 'em, ready my love?" I reached a hand out to her. She gently laid her fingertips onto mine as I guided them closer to the edge. I slipped my other hand around her waist as our lips touched for one last time, this kiss was longer than all of the others. Because this was goodbye.

After we finished I summoned my polearm, with so much time on my hands Ei had helped me master another weapon.

I gripped tightly onto my weapon, before seeping into darkness. I stepped over the railing and jumped down, I felt the air on my face before my impact shocked the people. I put my weapon out forward as it stabbed into the ground, making a safe landing before two giant tidal waves I had summoned clashed, sucked in anything in its path. Ei was already in the air controlling a lightning storm, causing electro charge. This would help deal more damage, electrocuting those who had been struck. Within minutes together we had wiped out hundreds of the Abyssal Army.

I was efficient with my movements, swaying along with the wind, it almost reminded me of the times me and Ei would dance in the rain. With that in mind I followed that step sequence carefully, counting each step in my head with my polearm spinning rapidly. Watching as I stabbed whomever was in my path leaving a trail of dead carcasses and a dead purpose, a dead reasoning. Blood filled my view, there was so much of it, but this had to be done.

With time I finally realized something, I wasn't being attacked. I didn't have a single scratch, a single drop of blood emitting from my body, a single wound. I took my view elsewhere to see what they were shooting at and who the traveler was attacking, I gazed at Ei who was gushing blood still in air, until she wasn't. Of course they went after her, she's the archon after all.

Her weak body gave up, as she dropped from the air, hitting the ground hard. I stopped in my tracks completely and ran, ran in a way I never would've before until now. Maybe because this was life or death, and it wasn't my life. I then came to a dead stop, there she was. I first checked her pulse, weak but still there, surprisingly none of her bones were broken or disoriented. I was the first to find her in so I held her in my arms, her barely conscious state was holding on. I laid her across my lap, supporting her head as she looked up at me.

"I-I'll be okay, we're supposed to die together, right?" She said, her voice weak. She mentioned our earlier agreement of a double suicide, but this had failed. Ei would die before me, the thought of dying alone was what scared me, I couldn't wish that upon anyone.

"Together, not before me dumbass!!" I was thinking rashly, as the idea of her death swallowed me. The wet, thick tears that I dreaded for so long had caught up to me. They spilled everywhere, I tried to wipe them away but it was a never ending stream. 

"T-they're going to find me, you still have time.." Ei's eyes trailed off signaling me towards a group of trees in the forest nearby, I looked over where her eyes were pointed but I didn't move.

"We said together, I'm not leaving you." I stated.

Within minutes a group of people ran towards us, they were from the Abyss Order. They pushed me off and grabbed her out of my grasp, putting her on the ground on her knees with her hands behind her back. I was also yanked onto and forced into the ground by another person of the Abyssal Party, the once comforting grass soon became a ground for capture.

I watched as Ei was chained up, but she didn't move.

"LET HER GO!" I began to struggle but the chains restrained me, the clinking sound of the metal chains made me infuriated.

I got pushed back down as the chains were tied tighter, once I could look back up her head was lifted as she faced my expression. My expression of dread and sorrow, of heartbreak and despair. But all she did was smile, the same smile I had gotten so familiar with. I knew this smile so well that it had a meaning, she was giving me the okay. She was telling me to not fight back, that she'd be alright. This was her accepting her grueling fate, the one that waited for her at her doorstep.

I cried even harder, the idea of her giving up was enough to flood my head with water. Ei never gave up, she was always so stubborn and persistent, she never gave up. Her expression was dead now, she stared the ground religiously before being dragged away. The trail of blood followed her.

That day death followed both of us to wherever we were being held captive, and that day..

was the last time I saw her.

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