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Y/N's POV:

As the evening went on Ei continued to get surprised looks from staff and customers, but we continued on like it was nothing. She probably also noticed how flushed I was, ah gods I'm a mess.

"It's only a date if you think it is," she said, with a slight smile on her face.

I nodded before I picked up my fork again and began eating. I felt slightly embarrassed that I was spacing out quite a bit, I don't normally do that this much. Me and Ei finished our dinner and paid, and as promised by Miko we made our way to the sacred Sakura.

We walked through the beautifully lit up streets by handcrafted Inazuman lanterns, I couldn't stop staring. But with beauty, there also comes other things.

"Is that the shogunate, with someone else?" I heard the many whispers of the townsfolk, questioning Ei's presence and me and the shogunate's relationship.

"I'm sorry, this is probably really weird for you" I whispered to her, I know she's probably sick of my constant apologies, but I feel that this is all my fault.

"Is it bothering you?" She asked me, whispering into my ear.

"Not really, it's just I guess people aren't used to you being in the public eye so much before" I stated.

I felt something warm touch my hand before it grabbed onto me. I looked down to see that Ei's hand was intertwined with mine, the soft touch made me feel safe. I had decided to return the gesture and hold onto her hand tightly, her warm embrace taking over.

"Does the shogunate have a wife?"
"Are they dating the shogun?"

It seemed that the sudden action got even more attention from the people, but Ei didn't care. We continued our way to the top of the mountain where the sacred Sakura lay, the public eye didn't dare follow us.

"I haven't been here in ages" she said, as we sat down near the Sakura.

"It is quite a beautiful tree, must've been hard to miss it" I watched as a petal fell and landed in my lap.

"Hope you aren't full already" Yae Mike's voice echoed in my ears, as I heard her footsteps approaching. She was holding one piece of cake in each hand as she came down the stairs to the sakura.

"Miko-" Ei tried to say before being interrupted by Yae.

"It's been a while, hm?" She said, handing me and Ei each a slice of cake with forks.

"Now now, don't waste your time on me. This is for you two, we'll talk again later hm?" Yae Miko winked at Ei before going back into the building she arose from.

Ei was already digging into her cake, as I watched Yae disappear. I finally picked up my fork and stabbed it into my cake, and as expected it was delicious. I couldn't stop thinking about what Yae Miko said, we'll talk again later hm? Not that it was any of my business. I finished my cake and cleaned myself up, brushing my hand on my outfit to get rid of any crumbs. Ei had already finished and was watching the sakura tree petals fall.

"Can I braid your hair?" I found the courage to ask finally, her hair was always so delicately braided.

She seemed surprised by the request but nodded her head. She moved and sat in front of me, undoing her braid. Her hair was beautiful and incredibly long. I sifted my hands through her soft and silky hair, it was thoroughly brushed and well taken care of for being so long. I took the ribbon that I had used to tie up my hair earlier and placed it on my lap, as I began to separate her hair into 3 sections. I started from the top of her hair and began moving the pieces of hair around, taking one section to the left and moving it to the middle then doing the same to the right side continuously.

Once I was finished, I took the ribbon sitting on my lap and moved it underneath the end of her braid, then tying it into a bow.

"Finished" I said after I tied the ribbon around the last of her hair. She moved the braid over her shoulder to see it, she ran her fingers down the braid down to the ribbon.

"Thank you, I really like it," she said, smiling. She then laid her head back into my lap and looked up at the stars that showed down from Celestia. I took my delicate fingers and brushed pieces of hair out of her face.

I found Ei looking up at Celestia an awful lot.

"Do you miss her?" I asked, I knew that Makoto's death had sure taken a big toll on Ei. Makoto and Ei were 2 pieces of one person, one the public figure and the other worked behind the shadows.

"Everyday" Ei said, glancing at me then once again at the stars.

"I know how much Makoto meant to you, never one without the other."


I felt sorrowful just talking about it, I know that Ei doesn't show much emotion but I'm sure she was hurting more than me.

"I promise I won't leave you, okay?" I reassured you, Ei has had enough people leave her and I don't want to be one of them.

Ei had shown me a smile that I had never seen before, she looked relieved and happy. She reached up and pulled me closer, giving me a peck on the forehead once again. Her soft touch filled my thoughts again, thinking of all the things that happened over the past several thousand years even if I don't remember. Our foreheads touched for a quick moment; the gesture was romantic.

"I promise I won't leave you either, no matter how much fate pulls us apart. I'll be here" she said

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