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Y/N's POV:

I made my way down the extensive stairs to the shrine, I had a scheduled meetup with Ei this afternoon at a small tea shop. I heard good things about it, but I was nervous about what would happen while we were in public. The last time we had been in a public space together we gained a lot of unnecessary traction from Inazuman folk, but it didn't seem to bother her so I don't mind.

I opened the door to the shop, the usual bell ringing to allow staff to know a customer had walked in. I saw Ei in the corner of the room drinking her own tea, I could tell that she was trying to be discrete. I walked up to the counter patiently as I looked to see what I would like.

"Welcome to Seijun Tea, what may I get you, madame?"

"Can I get a green tea please?"

"Yes, that'll be 343 mora," The lady wrote down my order quickly with a pen.

I handed her the money I owed and slid it across the counter.

"Thank you for your business, here's your tea" In return, she slid the tea back to me.

"Thank you" I grabbed my tea and walked over to the corner of the room, sitting down across from Ei.

"You're the only person who I know that likes green tea" She took a sip of her own tea, then set it down onto the table.

"I'm not sure why people don't like it?" I looked down at the teacup, stirring the liquid.

"It has an odd taste to me"

I lifted the cup to my lips and tipped it slightly, sipping the hot tea.

"Well, I for one like the taste of green tea" I set down the cup.

"You're probably asking why you're here, besides tea... The reason why I've invited you here is to ask if you'd like to join me in watching Inazuma's yearly firework show held by the Naganohara's. I haven't seen it in decades."

"That would be lovely" I accepted her request.

"So how have you been? It's been awfully quiet in the Tenshukaku" I started.

"Pleasing a population of people isn't always easy, I've been busy addressing the Vision Hunt Decree"

"You know how much I hate that you enforce such a foolish act"

"I do... but it's not so simple to just abolish it at the flick of a wrist"

"It's just hard accepting that you run a society under that rule" She paused for a moment, before speaking again.

"Were you aware that there's a resistance popping up?"

"No, I wasn't," I said curiously, wanting to know more.

"Hopefully that will give me an excuse to finally put this decree to rest" She set her cup down.

"The resistance is being led by Sangonomiya Kokomi, she's a descendent of the Sangonomiya clan and resides in Watatsumi Island. You've heard of her?"

"Yes, I've heard recent talk about her from folk"

"This might be your chance"

I didn't think about it like that, I can help support the incoming resistance. This might be a rare opportunity.

"That is quite a rare opportunity, thank you for opening my eyes" I finished off my tea.


𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - Why did you leave?

Successfully unlocked.



After my injury had fully recovered I was back on the battlefield, working under a god himself while falling in love with another. Until I came home to something unexpected...

I had gotten back from aiding soldiers, our camps were decent sized we surely didn't have enough healers or those who have studied in first aid. So I try to help out as often as I can, in order to prevent potential epidemics & small injuries.

I closed the door behind me, greeting Ei from afar. But she wasn't to be seen, hmm. I finally came across her in her room, sitting down on her bed.

"Is everything okay my dear?" I sat next to her, kissing her on the cheek.

"I'm afraid I must return to Inazuma under rash circumstances, we had an attack yesterday and many people are in need of my aid.."

I gave her my warm embrace before she could finish.

"Do what you need to do, I won't hold you back" I whispered.

"But I'm worried I won't see you again? Like last time.."

"We'll see each other again, I'm sure of it. Don't be concerned about me, you have an island to run!" I rebutted her statement, trying not to think about it either.

"Do you need any transport arranged?" I asked.

"No, Baal knows where I've been residing and sent a boat this way. It should be arriving very soon, I appreciate your concern."

"I don't mean to interrupt your lover's quarrel, but the boat has arrived. Ready to go Raiden?" Yae Miko had come into the room, ready to leave.

"She'll be there in a moment, we won't be long" I gave Yae a suggestive glance it seems she understood what I was saying.

"Understandable, I'll be waiting" She exited the room.

"Is everything alright-" I interrupted Ei by kissing her lips, little did I know that this would be the last real touch I would ever have with Ei. For now, anyway.

I had stalled Ei's delivery boat for a few minutes before it was time to say our real goodbyes, our hands intertwined.

"I'll see you again, I promise."

"Are you sure? What if.."

"I promise, I promise we'll see each other again. I promise we'll get together after this war has ended, then we can really cherish these memories. But for now, you must leave. Even if I have to search in the dark, search through the cold, search through the forest, search through Inazuma itself, I promise I'll find you again."

And that was when I let her go, our hands had untangled themselves. I watched as she left the room, looking back at me one last time.

"I'm sure we'll meet again"


"Are you alright?" Ei was trying to get my attention.

I had phased back to reality, my body still at the tea shop, even if it didn't feel like it seconds before.

"My apologies, but the strangest thing just happened. I was saying goodbye to you just minutes before now, but it wasn't present time. This was years ago, some 2,000 years ago."

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