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As very subtle words carried me to Inazuma city, I realized I was in need of food. I had little money saved from Liyue, which also means I'd need some form of way to earn currency.

I had to sneak over because of the current restrictions for travelers, in which I got help from a local resident. I was commissioned to send a letter to somebody by the name of Akira, simple enough. The address was provided, and it was fair payment for getting me across the border. I hid with a group of merchants transferring goods between the 2 islands and made it successfully. 

I made my way to the specified address on the note and knocked on the door politely.  A person with dark blue hair answered the door, their eyes filled with excitement as I handed them the letter. They thanked me for my service and closed the door. The only thing that I found was odd, was it was addressed by somebody named Zhongli, a person I barely knew from my adventures in Liyue. I continued on my way towards Inazuma city.

And just as pretty as I remembered, as I entered the gates. Lanterns, even during the daytime, lit up the entirety of Inazuma. I couldn't help my eyes from wandering everywhere. Blossoms were a frequent pattern I found in the landscape, purple. I felt as if I missed so much, but it never changed.

After a good amount of time asking people where the local market was, I found myself scanning through different types of mushrooms and others produce. I gathered what I must, and was about to pay...

"We are in need to confiscate your vision"

Several Inazuman guards had noticed my vision on my left side and in order of the vision hunt decree... I was trapped. I placed the product back in its place, slowly.

"Not on my life," I said because I'd rather have my vision and die than have no ambition.

I felt a guard suddenly grab from the left hip, and in response, I ran. I didn't know what else to do in this situation.

"Notify the Shogun, and send our troops out. Catch them-"

These were the last words I heard.

I ran as fast as I could, prepared to turn the corner and do an attack of some sort. It was as if they knew I was important before they even talked to me.

I felt a shock of lightning hit me, one possessed by a vision. I heard a screaming release from my vocals before hitting the ground hard. I heard something shatter before I felt myself crumble. The last thing I saw was blood, my blood.







Raiden Shoguns POV (+ Ei's consciousness)

I was notified of an escapee of the Vision Hunt Decree, a powerful one at that. To prevent a further issue, I pierced my lightning through their leg. It seems the surrounding residents were shaken by my actions, as I heard glass break. Do not question the Shogun.

I made my way towards the body of the person I shot. A traveler... as expected. Many travel to Inazuma, and question the will of my eternity.

"Take them to the cell, and take their vision. Eternity stops at nothing."

"Yes, Shogun" I watched as a guard picked up the body, and another took their vision from the left hip. I was tossed the remaining vision, as I watched as all the color drained from the person.

A hydro vision, how interesting... The design was so intricate and creative, nothing like I have seen before. At the bottom, it was an icicle shape, almost braided, then crossing at the top. How peculiar, it seemed somewhat familiar. I remember an old friend having a similar design, so similar. It couldn't be them, correct? It's been hundreds of years, I was sure they were long gone.

I looked at one more part of the vision that distinguished it from others, and there it was. A set of numbers etched on the back of the vision, 9'13 1915181821.

It was them...

"AHEM. Please return the person to me, I shall take care of it"

"As you wish, all-mighty Shogun"

I was handed the severely wounded immortal, by my hands. The wound seemed deep, as blood seeped out of their wound and head. Almost all color, drained. What have I done?

Ei's POV:

I realized that withholding the consciousness of the Shogun, what I had done. I had the Shogun enter the Tenshukaku with the knocked out, almost what seemed like a lifeless body. As she carried it towards my home within Inazuma city, one I hadn't used in years since her disappearance.

I took them out of the Shogun's hand and requested it get back to its duties as the Shogun. I don't know much about the properties of healing, but I'm sure that within a few months, the burn would heal. Unless necessary to reach out to a healing specialist, I laid them down, putting the vision back onto them. To this day, I still don't know what those numbers mean. After many years of wondering.

I decided this would be a good excuse to read through our letters. For many young years, we sent each other letters for communication. Especially when I and Baal were busy with Shogun duties.

The shuffling of the letters I kept in a drawer, even without the dates of the paper. I could tell these were several many years old. The paper had lost its color, even more, the ink slightly worn and smeared. As to pass time, I ordered the papers in order from oldest to newest. I looked over at them, oh how they've changed. Oh, how I've changed, oh how Inazuma's changed. Oh, how Baal has changed, how everything has changed.

I then buried myself within the letters, reading their precise handwriting one word at a time. Skipping nothing.

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