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𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹! - The Accident

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Y/N's POV:

After my future wife had left for the means of running a country, we had once again run into a several-year gap without seeing each other again, except in this case it hadn't been hundreds of years. In this scenario, we hadn't seen each other in 3 years.

She had left to go fight & rule over Inazuma as a god does, continuing to fight as Baals side as twin goddesses. Aiding her own and her sister's glorious job of winning a spot in Celestia.

I had continued to fight under Morax, a very wealthy and strong god who stationed over Liyue. Liyue was where I resided before the war sided, and made the decision to help in the war. Little did I know that I was fighting in one of the last battles of the Archon War, and she was too.

"Prepare to fire!" I yelled at the abounding number of people I had command over, preparing my bow to shoot at whatever enemy popped up. The fog was especially heavy this morning, so having perfect eyesight at this time of day was impossible.

We had been receiving attacks from an unidentified opponent all night, this is where my specialty came in. I could prepare a troop of people within minutes and be able to fight, I became known for this. But this was in the morning, and we had everyone. Every able person to fight, including Morax himself.

"Ma'am we've heard from a spy from the incoming enemies, many people are trying to take over the beach. We may have allies coming to back us up, otherwise, we are outnumbered."

"We can take it, who might these allies be?"

"We're not exactly sure, all we know is that many full ships are coming this way from another direction, and humors heard from other folks"

"Prepare for just our troops, but be open to the idea of allies. Ready more people"

"Yes ma'am"

Allies? Usually, everybody was fighting against Morax, but it seems we may be having some help for once.

Once the fog had mostly cleared we could see what they meant, many more relevant gods & familiar gods were present. This included Osial, and other unnamed gods of importance. We waited for our enemies to do their attack first, before embracing our own.

"Ready, aim, fire!" As many arrows shot in the direction of the vile beast, some were presented with the use of visions. We were the 'last line of defense' my troops didn't do frontline combat, we did the more difficult & precise yet safer job.

I heard soft groans of pain coming from what was in front of us, I dare not question it.

"2nd shot at the ready...!" I realized that most of our frontline (besides vision holders) were dead, whatever was there was wiping people out quickly.

"Beings we will become the last line of defense if we don't hurry it up! Fire!" I commanded.

Then what we were all secretly hoping for came, backup. The supposed allies that had been sending ships here, as I saw many people with a very familiar symbol on their uniforms. I had decided to do some investigating.

"I must leave, shoot consistently, I'll be back!"

I began running onto the stairs of the wall we were positioned on before I was interrupted.

"Is everything alright General?" A mortal spoke from concern.

"Everything is great, we have allies aiding our moves. I'm investigating who they are, don't be worried. I believe this might lead us to victory." I continued down the stairs, that symbol looked too familiar. It was one normally found on a vision, but I highly doubt it's a small organization. I ran towards a person wearing that symbolic clothing.

"I work under Morax, general under the shooting range. Who is your commander?" I demanded.

"She goes by the name of Baal ma'am, she's fighting with us today."

"Do you know where she resides?"

"No ma'am"

"Thank you"

Ei is here, she's here.

I began looking for any sign of lightning or dark skies, perfect. It seemed there was an abnormal amount of dark clouds near the front lines, she must be there.

I began running towards the beach, trying to not get shot or hurt by an arrow or any force. At this moment I felt my body move, I wouldn't stop running.

"Ei? Ei?" I started shouting, looking around for her amongst the fog.

"Ei are you here?" I kept yelling, hoping I wasn't to get wiped out.

I then saw her, the one I had been looking for. The fog cleared to reveal her figure, she looked shocked. Her expression wasn't something I could express in words.

Our reunion.

I fell into her arms, I fell for her.

We both had the same thought, let's kiss in the middle of a war scene. And that's what we did, probably one of the stupidest things in history. But it was beautiful, it was amazing, it was a symbol of peace. It was the start of our beginning and the reason why my memories vanished.

After I had pulled away from Ei...

"I told you we'd meet again, I promised"

"You did, and I believed you"

"You don't know how much I missed you"

"I love you"

I giggled before I realized what was about to happen.

"Get out of the way!" I heard somebody scream before I felt myself being swiped by something, and our hands had released. Something with a humongous tail swept me up from the ground, separating me from Ei. I flew several hundred feet into the air, as I screamed in terror.



These were the last things I heard before I hit my head on a rock that I was flung into, as my body went limp and fell to the ground. I had blacked out soon after, my hearing was distorted and I could hear a ringing sound. I soon found myself in a dark space, my headspace. It was like sitting in the corner of a dark room, and the worst part, I had no control over what happened afterward. I was limp, cold corpse.

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