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Ei's POV:

I entered my sleeping quarters, what was I thinking? Making contact with them like that? They don't even remember, do they? I closed the door behind myself and sunk down, leaning against the door. What a foolish ungodly act of mine, but within the pursuit of eternity. Because if it were up to my selfish acts, I would spend all of my eternity with them.


I awoke with a headache, last night I had been presented with pieces of knowledge I had forgotten. Something regarding the Archon War, Morax & Ei? No wonder my head was hurting, and I don't even remember everything. I sat up in my bed, I met Ei before now? During the war, I was a participant in the Archon War? My further questions only made my head hurt more.

I got up and changed into my regular clothing choice, trying to ignore my throbbing head.

I went downstairs and to my surprise, Ei was gone. She usually wakes up slightly earlier than me, maybe she had something important to do. I got myself a cup of water before getting something to eat. I had decided I was going to go out into Inazuma city once more, get more used to the layout and such. Learn where the local buildings are located and visit the Sakura Tree once again.

"I never expected to see you here again, Y/N dear"

I was greeted by a woman with pink hair and fox-like features, I had heard from local folk that her name was Yae Miko.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I hadn't met Yae Miko before. Although it seems that she recollects me.

"You don't remember me? Oh, dear, that's a problem"

"What's going on?"

"Follow, please sit"

I followed Yae Miko to the Sakura, where she sat.

"I'm confused, I haven't met you before?" I didn't know what to say.

"Not that you recollect" She looked at me with such intimidating eyes, but her voice was so soothing.

"You must remember something, does the Archon War spark anything?"

It did, my dream last night, it wasn't just a dream, was it?

"Yes, actually," I said in a firm voice.

"It seems that Inazuma has gotten your memory going, that's good"


"Everything in your memories isn't everything"

I paused, did I have some memory loss or something of that sort? I didn't even think of that being a possibility.

"You and Ei's relationship doesn't just go back to childhood, it's far more than you recollect. It's a relationship I got to see blossom firsthand, one like I've never seen before"

I had contact with Ei during the Archon War, I think.

"What kind of relationship?" I urged forward to receiving more knowledge.

"That is for you to decide," she said, all of her answers just kept me pondering more about my past.

"It was a relationship in which you both were happy, beyond friendship"

My head was beginning to hurt again like I was trying to remember stuff that didn't exist.

"This is why, I must ask a favor of you" Yae and I stood up, staying under the sakura tree.

"What must I do?"

"I want you to make Ei happy. She spends so much time in the Plane of Euthymia, since you arrived was the only time, she has come out of hiding since the cataclysm, since Makoto's death. I have high hopes for you, Y/N. And such I have already organized for dinner and a private reservation by the Sakura. Such event takes place tomorrow, be there."

As if my head didn't hurt already, I was now being forced to take Ei on a 'date' set up by Yae Miko. I felt my face heat up, taking Ei on a date? No, it's not like that, it's a friendly gesture.

"Don't disappoint me" she looked scary.

"Well, I've done all I can here. All we need to hope for is that your memory serves you well, and you show up tomorrow"

"Yes ma'am"

What a day, my gosh. And I haven't even started figuring out how I'm supposed to tell Ei about this? She's probably stressed enough, but if I don't then I wouldn't have fulfilled the wishes of Yae. I don't know what I should do, ugh who knew friendships were so hard.

I arrived back at the Tenshukaku, it was a gorgeous building. Built, dedicated towards the Shogun. I entered the place where I was currently being hosted, and I saw Ei reading. Wait, Ei?

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I got held up by Yae Miko" I apologized; it was already dark outside.

I looked over at Ei, who seemed to be nervous. She was biting her lip awfully hard.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I suggested that she seemed upset and that I could see it.

She sighed before putting her book down, she hadn't made eye contact with me since last night.

"I'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean to startle you." She seemed flustered and continued to look away from me.

"Oh, don't apologize for that. I will admit I was kind of shocked, but it's okay with me!" I reassured her. I sat down next to her, in order to comfort her.

"Also..." I started.

"The reason Yae Miko held me up..." I felt my face get red; this is harder than I thought. I'm just going to say it.

"She held me up because she organized a date between me, and you and we don't have to go I'm sure it's not actually a date she probably was just bored-"


"What? Oh tomorrow"

I know Ei was failing to keep her composure, but I applaud her for trying.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow" Ei got up and walked to her bedroom.

What just happened.

I went to my room as I tried to process what just happened.

A date?

With Ei?

The shogun?

A God?

An Archon?

And she said yes?

My title is nothing compared to hers.

I can't stop thinking about it.

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